
Andy Murray will receive a knighthood after a spectacular season winning Wimbledon and Olympic gold for the 2nd time as well as ending the year as World number 1.

Read more here

The Laigh Hills Park Working Group has been accepted onto the January vote for the Tesco Bags of Help scheme for an orchard project in the Laigh Hills.

Voting will take place from 2nd January to 28th January and we will be notified by the end of February 2017 confirming the amount of funding that we will receive. The project with the highest number of votes across the Stirlingshire region will receive £5,000, the second placed project £2,000 and the third placed project £1,000.So can I urge you to vote whenever you go to Tesco. You should get a voting token whenever you have any transaction in store – it doesn’t matter how small and you do not have to buy a bag. But you will probably have to remind the person on the checkout to give you a token.

There is also plan to spend money gathered from house developers over the years to improve the play park area of the Laigh Hills - you should be able to see the proposals on the website. We have also just heard from the Scottish Rural Development Programme that we have been awarded significant funding for our bid to further enhance the footpaths through the park under the Improving Public Access option.

We will need to have a strong Friend of the Laigh Hills Group set up in the near future to help determine how the park is managed, be the eyes and ears to report any problems that need to be repaired and undertake some to the management work in the Park. So if you are a dog walker, parent, cyclist, walker or any other user of the park who cares about its well being please do get in touch with Alan Booth 01786 824791 to take things forwards. In the meantime, as well as voting yourself, can you can urge friends and relations to vote early and often for the Laigh Hills Orchard project at Tesco.

Alan Booth

This Christmas, Dunblane Boys Brigade collected over 2 tonnes of food and other items for those in need.  Read the Stirling Observer article below

Tonnes of help for those in need

A fantastic amount of food was amassed at a festive collection drive. The Boys' Brigade in Dunblane organised their traditional Christmas collection for Start-Up Stirling's crisis foodbank and amassed over two tonnes of items to help the neediest family situations across the area.

More than 50 BB boys and leaders were on hand at St Blane's Hall in Dunblane on December 22, and donations were non-stop from beginning to end as local people dropped off food, drink, toiletries and cleaning supplies over a three-hour period to help keep the shelves stocked at Start-Up's warehouse right into the new year.

The enthusiastic youngsters helped by opening donations, labelling items, sorting into storage containers - and even running to local businesses in the High Street to ask for extra boxes and containers when donations were so plentiful, capacity ran out. All the goods were transported to Start-Up Stirling's foodbank and weighed,with news coming through on the following day that over 2,000kg of goods had been donated.

James Forrest, age 14, has been helping at the annual event for the last four years. He said: "At BB, we have been learning about vulnerable groups in our community, and it is nice to do something practical and really useful for people, especially at Christmas, although we collect donations every month at BB, too."

BB captain Paul Christmas said: “It was fantastic to again see such great support from Dunblane and surrounding areas for this. We love the fact that the event has become a true tradition now and we are proud to partner with Start-Up Stirling regularly”.



Road closures between 9am & 6pm on Sundays 15th, 22nd and 29th January and 5th February 2017

B8033 Dual Carriageway

  • southbound carriageway from Fourways Roundabout to the junction of Sunnyside
  • northbound carriageway from the junction of Sunnyside to the access to the Police Station.
  • When the northbound carriageway is closed the southbound carriageway will be open and when the southbound carriageway is closed the northbound carriageway will be open.

Beech Road and Stirling Road: for their entire length. Emergency vehicle access will be maintained BUT general vehicle access to the station will be from the Springfield Terrace/Tesco car park

Further details and alternative routes here

Stirling Rd "Access for all" Project

The project has been enhanced thanks to the involvement of local school children, some of whom are pictured below - read more.


IMG 0263

Programme & contract details

Further details of the plan here

IMG 0265

Project Background

In Early 2014, Stirling Council obtained funding from the sustainable transport charity SUSTRANS to improve the street layout on Beech and Stirling Roads. Since then they have been working with local residents, your Community Council, Dunblane Development Trust and Discover Dunblane to make the area more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. There has also been a focus on the needs of those with mobility difficulties, and vehicular access for station users, businesses and local residents.

A public consultation on concept plans took place in November/December 2014. Many of the comments received reflected a desire to get an environment that works well for all and been used by the Project Steering Group to finalise the plans. 

Summary report from consultation events

Expanded report from consultation events

Comments summarised in pie chart slide show

Comments made by consultation event attendees

Any further questions?

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You will need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 0845 277 7000 / 0845 277 7000 or 01786 404040 / 01786 404040 and ask for Transport Planning and Access.

Andy Murray has been voted the BBC Sports Personality of the Year for a record third time! This tops off a fantastic year with Andy winning Olympic gold, his second Wimbledon title and he became tennis' world number one.

Read more here

Dunblane figure skater Megan Carroll has won a silver medal at the British Figure Skating Championships in Sheffield.

Read more here

Come and Celebrate Christmas 2016 with the Dunblane Churches!

Sunday November 27th

10.30 am. All Age Advent Service, St Mary’s Church
11.30 am. Advent Christmas Service (Mince pies from 10.30), Dunblane Free Church

Sunday December 11th

5.00 pm. Radio Rainbow Carols for Christmas, Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
6.30 pm. Boys’ Brigade Carol Service (with BB Band) at St Blane’s Church
7.30 pm. Christmas Concert with Choir, Instrumentalists and Handbells, Cathedral (£5)

Sunday December 18th

10.00 am. All Age Nativity Service at St Blane’s Church
10.30 am. Sunday School Nativity Service at Dunblane Cathedral
11.00 am. Liturgy of St Nicholas of Myra (“Santa Claus”), Orthodox Church, off Ramoyle
4.00 pm. Candlelit Lessons and Carols Service, mince pies & mulled wine at St Mary’s Church
6.30 pm. Advent Celebration with Choir at St Blane’s Church
6.30 pm. Nine Lessons and Carols at Dunblane Cathedral
7.00 pm. A Christmas Celebration at Holy Family Church

Christmas Eve

4.00 pm. Crib and Christingle Family Service at St Mary’s Church
6.30 pm. Christingle Service at Dunblane Cathedral
6.30 pm. All Age Service with Film at St Blane’s Church
8.00 pm. Children's Celebration of Christmas at Holy Family Church
11.30 pm. Carols followed by Midnight Mass at Holy Family Church
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service (carols and refreshments from 11 pm) at St Blane’s Church
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service at Dunblane Cathedral
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service at Dunblane Christian Fellowship
11.30 pm. Midnight Service for Christmas at St Mary’s Church

Christmas Day

8.30 am. Quiet Communion Service at St Mary’s Church
10.00 am. Christmas Day Celebration at Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
10.00 am. All Age Christmas Service at St Blane’s Church
10.30 am. Family Service at Dunblane Cathedral
10.30 am. All Age Christmas Celebration at St Mary’s Church
11 am. Mass of Christmas Morning at Holy Family Church
11.30 am. Christmas Day Service (Mince pies from 10.30), Dunblane Free Church

New Year’s Eve

5.00 pm. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Vigil Mass at Holy Family Church

New Year’s Day

10.00 am. New Year’s Day Celebration at Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
11.30 am*. New Year’s Day Service at Dunblane Free Church
11.00 am. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Morning Mass at Holy Family Church

Orthodox Christmas; Saturday January 7th

11.00 am. Festal Liturgy at the Orthodox Church, Laighill Loan, off Ramoyle

* Subject to confirmation

Road closures between 9am & 6pm on Sundays 15th, 22nd and 29th January and 5th February 2017

B8033 Dual Carriageway

  • southbound carriageway from Fourways Roundabout to the junction of Sunnyside
  • northbound carriageway from the junction of Sunnyside to the access to the Police Station.
  • When the northbound carriageway is closed the southbound carriageway will be open and when the southbound carriageway is closed the northbound carriageway will be open.

Beech Road and Stirling Road: for their entire length. Emergency vehicle access will be maintained BUT general vehicle access to the station will be from the Springfield Terrace/Tesco car park

Further details and alternative routes here

Stirling Rd "Access for all" Project

The project has been enhanced thanks to the involvement of local school children, some of whom are pictured below - read more.


IMG 0263

Programme & contract details

Further details of the plan here

IMG 0265

Project Background

In Early 2014, Stirling Council obtained funding from the sustainable transport charity SUSTRANS to improve the street layout on Beech and Stirling Roads. Since then they have been working with local residents, your Community Council, Dunblane Development Trust and Discover Dunblane to make the area more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. There has also been a focus on the needs of those with mobility difficulties, and vehicular access for station users, businesses and local residents.

A public consultation on concept plans took place in November/December 2014. Many of the comments received reflected a desire to get an environment that works well for all and been used by the Project Steering Group to finalise the plans. 

Summary report from consultation events

Expanded report from consultation events

Comments summarised in pie chart slide show

Comments made by consultation event attendees

Any further questions?

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You will need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 0845 277 7000 / 0845 277 7000 or 01786 404040 / 01786 404040 and ask for Transport Planning and Access.

Family and friends of popular Dunblane woman Moira Lambert raise £30,000 in her memory. Moira passed away in the Beatson Cancer Unit in Glasgow in November last year, aged just 54, after battling melanoma for several years.


Text from Stirling Observer article

Family and friends of a popular Dunblane woman have raised £30,000 for charity in her memory in just one year. Moira Lambert passed away in the Beatson Cancer Unit in Glasgow in November 2015, aged just 54, after battling melanoma for several years. But memories of her have since inspired a massive effort for a fund set up in her name by husband John. While overwhelmed by the generosity and support, he isn’t surprised by how loved Moira was by those she knew. John said: “My dear wife was a very popular lady. She had a lot of friends and accumulated them and kept them for life. She had a long fight and suffered a lot of pain but she still was determined to lead a normal life. “Lots of people were surprised when they finally discovered how ill she was, but it wasn’t what she was about. She wanted to get on with life and do good things for everyone. We spent a number of years going in and out of the Beatson for Moira’s treatment. Eventually Moira passed away there last November so it was to acknowledge their support and care. The Beatson Charity does a lot of things for patients as well as supporting research and she fundraised for the charity while she was alive.” John said there were many people to thank for their support with the fund, particularly Rhona Scott, a friend since the couple moved to Dunblane more than 16 years ago, and Nicki Regan of Zoo salon in Stirling who helped organise events and promote the fund.
Much of the money was raised thanks to two events - a golf day at Dunblane New Golf Club in August which saw 18 teams take part, plus around 30 of Moira’s friends competed in the Great Women’s 10k race in Glasgow in June. The runners, led by coach Rhona, were particularly inspired by the fact Moira was not a runner herself before she took part in the Stirling 10k in 2011. A group of Dunblane ladies who had been meeting every Friday for 20 years - regularly joined by Moira - also held an afternoon tea and raffle in May in aid of the fund and as “a lovely way to remember such a special friend”.
Close friend Carol Lumsden also asked friends to donate to the fund instead of bringing gifts to her 60th birthday garden party. John said: “We are going to keep Moira’s fund going. Moira was a children’s panel member in Stirling and after talking to some of her colleagues our next fundraising effort may be something to help kids who are disadvantaged. “She was never slow to put her hand up and volunteer to help with anything in the community. She was a much loved and cherished daughter, a loyal friend to so many, a great mum and a loving and beautiful wife. “Her approach to her illness was to keep it private and to get on with life as normally as possible. Only her family probably realised the effort that took on her part and the bravery she showed to overcome constant pain. “In the end she did not suffer and received the best care possible at the Beatson Cancer Centre. We will always be grateful to them for their efforts in helping Moira combat this dreadful disease and in providing the best possible care during her last days. “Moira was an inspiration throughout her life and has now inspired us to do something quite special.” Donate at

A Perthshire Film Company wants to find ex-German POWs for documentary about Cultybraggan Camp, Comrie.

Were you, or do you know, anyone who has a connection with Cultybraggan Prisoner of War Camp at Comrie, Perthshire?

Mousehole Films is making a documentary film about Cultybraggan, or Camp 21 as the German POW Camp was also known, when it was home to thousands of German and Italian POWs during the Second World War.

“We are keen to talk to anyone who was either a POW, or Guard, or local resident, with interesting stories about life at Cultybraggan”, says Director and Producer Adrian Bean. “Many POWs worked in the community during the war, on farms or in houses, and built up relationships with local families. Some POWs even married local girls and settled in Scotland and we’d love to hear their stories.”

If you have a story to tell about Cultybraggan, or know someone who might, or want to know more about the proposed film, you can contact the film’s Producers:

Adrian Bean This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (07831 448208)

Caroline Strong This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (07917 813110)

Or go to the company’s website

Adrian Bean and Caroline Strong
Mousehole Films

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