Dunblane Churches - Christmas Services

Come and Celebrate Christmas 2016 with the Dunblane Churches!

Sunday November 27th

10.30 am. All Age Advent Service, St Mary’s Church
11.30 am. Advent Christmas Service (Mince pies from 10.30), Dunblane Free Church

Sunday December 11th

5.00 pm. Radio Rainbow Carols for Christmas, Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
6.30 pm. Boys’ Brigade Carol Service (with BB Band) at St Blane’s Church
7.30 pm. Christmas Concert with Choir, Instrumentalists and Handbells, Cathedral (£5)

Sunday December 18th

10.00 am. All Age Nativity Service at St Blane’s Church
10.30 am. Sunday School Nativity Service at Dunblane Cathedral
11.00 am. Liturgy of St Nicholas of Myra (“Santa Claus”), Orthodox Church, off Ramoyle
4.00 pm. Candlelit Lessons and Carols Service, mince pies & mulled wine at St Mary’s Church
6.30 pm. Advent Celebration with Choir at St Blane’s Church
6.30 pm. Nine Lessons and Carols at Dunblane Cathedral
7.00 pm. A Christmas Celebration at Holy Family Church

Christmas Eve

4.00 pm. Crib and Christingle Family Service at St Mary’s Church
6.30 pm. Christingle Service at Dunblane Cathedral
6.30 pm. All Age Service with Film at St Blane’s Church
8.00 pm. Children's Celebration of Christmas at Holy Family Church
11.30 pm. Carols followed by Midnight Mass at Holy Family Church
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service (carols and refreshments from 11 pm) at St Blane’s Church
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service at Dunblane Cathedral
11.30 pm. Watchnight Service at Dunblane Christian Fellowship
11.30 pm. Midnight Service for Christmas at St Mary’s Church

Christmas Day

8.30 am. Quiet Communion Service at St Mary’s Church
10.00 am. Christmas Day Celebration at Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
10.00 am. All Age Christmas Service at St Blane’s Church
10.30 am. Family Service at Dunblane Cathedral
10.30 am. All Age Christmas Celebration at St Mary’s Church
11 am. Mass of Christmas Morning at Holy Family Church
11.30 am. Christmas Day Service (Mince pies from 10.30), Dunblane Free Church

New Year’s Eve

5.00 pm. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Vigil Mass at Holy Family Church

New Year’s Day

10.00 am. New Year’s Day Celebration at Dunblane Christian Fellowship (opp. Station)
11.30 am*. New Year’s Day Service at Dunblane Free Church
11.00 am. Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Morning Mass at Holy Family Church

Orthodox Christmas; Saturday January 7th

11.00 am. Festal Liturgy at the Orthodox Church, Laighill Loan, off Ramoyle

* Subject to confirmation

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