Vote at Tesco during January for the Laigh Hills Park Orchard

The Laigh Hills Park Working Group has been accepted onto the January vote for the Tesco Bags of Help scheme for an orchard project in the Laigh Hills.

Voting will take place from 2nd January to 28th January and we will be notified by the end of February 2017 confirming the amount of funding that we will receive. The project with the highest number of votes across the Stirlingshire region will receive £5,000, the second placed project £2,000 and the third placed project £1,000.So can I urge you to vote whenever you go to Tesco. You should get a voting token whenever you have any transaction in store – it doesn’t matter how small and you do not have to buy a bag. But you will probably have to remind the person on the checkout to give you a token.

There is also plan to spend money gathered from house developers over the years to improve the play park area of the Laigh Hills - you should be able to see the proposals on the website. We have also just heard from the Scottish Rural Development Programme that we have been awarded significant funding for our bid to further enhance the footpaths through the park under the Improving Public Access option.

We will need to have a strong Friend of the Laigh Hills Group set up in the near future to help determine how the park is managed, be the eyes and ears to report any problems that need to be repaired and undertake some to the management work in the Park. So if you are a dog walker, parent, cyclist, walker or any other user of the park who cares about its well being please do get in touch with Alan Booth 01786 824791 to take things forwards. In the meantime, as well as voting yourself, can you can urge friends and relations to vote early and often for the Laigh Hills Orchard project at Tesco.

Alan Booth

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