£30,000 raised in Moira's memory

Family and friends of popular Dunblane woman Moira Lambert raise £30,000 in her memory. Moira passed away in the Beatson Cancer Unit in Glasgow in November last year, aged just 54, after battling melanoma for several years.


Text from Stirling Observer article

Family and friends of a popular Dunblane woman have raised £30,000 for charity in her memory in just one year. Moira Lambert passed away in the Beatson Cancer Unit in Glasgow in November 2015, aged just 54, after battling melanoma for several years. But memories of her have since inspired a massive effort for a fund set up in her name by husband John. While overwhelmed by the generosity and support, he isn’t surprised by how loved Moira was by those she knew. John said: “My dear wife was a very popular lady. She had a lot of friends and accumulated them and kept them for life. She had a long fight and suffered a lot of pain but she still was determined to lead a normal life. “Lots of people were surprised when they finally discovered how ill she was, but it wasn’t what she was about. She wanted to get on with life and do good things for everyone. We spent a number of years going in and out of the Beatson for Moira’s treatment. Eventually Moira passed away there last November so it was to acknowledge their support and care. The Beatson Charity does a lot of things for patients as well as supporting research and she fundraised for the charity while she was alive.” John said there were many people to thank for their support with the fund, particularly Rhona Scott, a friend since the couple moved to Dunblane more than 16 years ago, and Nicki Regan of Zoo salon in Stirling who helped organise events and promote the fund.
Much of the money was raised thanks to two events - a golf day at Dunblane New Golf Club in August which saw 18 teams take part, plus around 30 of Moira’s friends competed in the Great Women’s 10k race in Glasgow in June. The runners, led by coach Rhona, were particularly inspired by the fact Moira was not a runner herself before she took part in the Stirling 10k in 2011. A group of Dunblane ladies who had been meeting every Friday for 20 years - regularly joined by Moira - also held an afternoon tea and raffle in May in aid of the fund and as “a lovely way to remember such a special friend”.
Close friend Carol Lumsden also asked friends to donate to the fund instead of bringing gifts to her 60th birthday garden party. John said: “We are going to keep Moira’s fund going. Moira was a children’s panel member in Stirling and after talking to some of her colleagues our next fundraising effort may be something to help kids who are disadvantaged. “She was never slow to put her hand up and volunteer to help with anything in the community. She was a much loved and cherished daughter, a loyal friend to so many, a great mum and a loving and beautiful wife. “Her approach to her illness was to keep it private and to get on with life as normally as possible. Only her family probably realised the effort that took on her part and the bravery she showed to overcome constant pain. “In the end she did not suffer and received the best care possible at the Beatson Cancer Centre. We will always be grateful to them for their efforts in helping Moira combat this dreadful disease and in providing the best possible care during her last days. “Moira was an inspiration throughout her life and has now inspired us to do something quite special.” Donate at www.beatsontributefund.org/fund/Moira%20Lambert.

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