Cultybraggan POW Camp stories wanted

A Perthshire Film Company wants to find ex-German POWs for documentary about Cultybraggan Camp, Comrie.

Were you, or do you know, anyone who has a connection with Cultybraggan Prisoner of War Camp at Comrie, Perthshire?

Mousehole Films is making a documentary film about Cultybraggan, or Camp 21 as the German POW Camp was also known, when it was home to thousands of German and Italian POWs during the Second World War.

“We are keen to talk to anyone who was either a POW, or Guard, or local resident, with interesting stories about life at Cultybraggan”, says Director and Producer Adrian Bean. “Many POWs worked in the community during the war, on farms or in houses, and built up relationships with local families. Some POWs even married local girls and settled in Scotland and we’d love to hear their stories.”

If you have a story to tell about Cultybraggan, or know someone who might, or want to know more about the proposed film, you can contact the film’s Producers:

Adrian Bean This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (07831 448208)

Caroline Strong This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (07917 813110)

Or go to the company’s website

Adrian Bean and Caroline Strong
Mousehole Films

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