Town Centre Road Closures15th Jan - 5th Feb for re-surfacing

Road closures between 9am & 6pm on Sundays 15th, 22nd and 29th January and 5th February 2017

B8033 Dual Carriageway

  • southbound carriageway from Fourways Roundabout to the junction of Sunnyside
  • northbound carriageway from the junction of Sunnyside to the access to the Police Station.
  • When the northbound carriageway is closed the southbound carriageway will be open and when the southbound carriageway is closed the northbound carriageway will be open.

Beech Road and Stirling Road: for their entire length. Emergency vehicle access will be maintained BUT general vehicle access to the station will be from the Springfield Terrace/Tesco car park

Further details and alternative routes here

Stirling Rd "Access for all" Project

The project has been enhanced thanks to the involvement of local school children, some of whom are pictured below - read more.


IMG 0263

Programme & contract details

Further details of the plan here

IMG 0265

Project Background

In Early 2014, Stirling Council obtained funding from the sustainable transport charity SUSTRANS to improve the street layout on Beech and Stirling Roads. Since then they have been working with local residents, your Community Council, Dunblane Development Trust and Discover Dunblane to make the area more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. There has also been a focus on the needs of those with mobility difficulties, and vehicular access for station users, businesses and local residents.

A public consultation on concept plans took place in November/December 2014. Many of the comments received reflected a desire to get an environment that works well for all and been used by the Project Steering Group to finalise the plans. 

Summary report from consultation events

Expanded report from consultation events

Comments summarised in pie chart slide show

Comments made by consultation event attendees

Any further questions?

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You will need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 0845 277 7000 / 0845 277 7000 or 01786 404040 / 01786 404040 and ask for Transport Planning and Access.

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