

The Friends of Holmehill contacted the website team with an update about the new owners’ plans for Holmehill. Here is their email


We recently asked The Carman Family Foundation for an update as to what has happened over the last few month. The response from Bill Carman is below:


Over the last few months:


1. The Braeport meadow has been tilled and the seedling trees removed. 54 small-medium sized decorative trees have been planted in groups of 3, with 10 more (a bit bigger) to go. Some outlines of paths have been created - these will probably be finished with plastic matting and grass growing through the plastic.

2. The paths on the top have had leaves removed.

3. The paths going down to ground level have also been cleared to a reasonable state. We need to think of more permanent solutions.

4. The chip paths need an alternative surface - any ideas of what might look natural yet last for a few years? The weeds on either side have been dug out.

5. Some of the Scots pines have been eaten (rabbits?). They have been replaced and tubes now keep the rabbits out with wire mesh to keep the deer off them.

6. Around the grasses next to the tennis court we  have planted a bamboo hedge.

7. Wire has been put back into the metal posts of the old fence to stop people tumbling down the hill

8. 150 longer tubes were supplied by the Woodland Trust to replace the short tubes.


Next year jobs include:


1. Planning for a pond at the bottom of the meadows

2. Moving the shed next to the red lodge (or getting a new hut) for storage of garden equipment.

3. Planting snowdrops in february.

4. We are in discussions with people on types of plants to put under the new trees on the meadow. We want colourful plants of all sizes which will attract pollinators and birds. All suggestions welcomed.

5. Next year, we will roundup the edges of the paths on the top in April.

6. Putting Up a chain barrier to stop people driving on to the grass on top.

7. A few more "nice" trees for around the perimeter of the grass on top.

8. 4 carved benches will be made this Winter, 3 representing each primary school, using the wood we took off the hill 2 years ago.


Someone who currently works with me will be at Holmehill for 2 days per week from now (ish).


The Friends of Holmehill can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Carman Family Foundation cab be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Text drafted by Pete Bicheno, Glassingall Resident

SEPA has not taken the witness statements they originally promised and instead they “….are continuing to conduct other enquiries into the events …”

From the Stirling Observer 18.11.2020

“A man has denied destroying a bat roost and the nest of a wild bird while carrying out demolition of a house on Stagecoch tycoon Dame Ann Gloag’s Glassingall Estate.”

“…David Kerr, of Cumbernauld, pleaded not guilty at Stirling Sheriff Court on Friday 13th November to offences under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994 and the European Communities Act 1972. “

Trial has been set for April 22nd.

Since the fire another demolition company has been on site and spent almost a month clearing up. The council granted permission for the demolition in retrospect.

Interestingly Dame Ann Gloag has put in for planning permission for a similar development at Beauly as she is proposing at Glassingall. See the Inverness Courier : 20.11.2020

Approval was granted on 01.12.2020 See the Inverness Courier:


Earlier text from July 2020

NEW Police launch wildlife crime probe at bus tycoon's estate following blaze Stirling Observer Article from 27 July 2020

Read Stirling Observer Article from 25 June 2020

Article  below updated on 20 June 2020 - updates in Green

Some local residents on the Glassingall Estate sent a letter to Glassingall Estates Ltd in response to the demolition and burning of Glassingall House on the 11th and 12th of June. The full letter can be viewed here. A letter has also been sent to the Health & Safety Executive SEPA and the Council. SEPA has apparently responded and is now taking witness statements.

glass sign

Glassingall Estates Limited is one of the companies in the Gloag portfolio. Dame Ann Gloag bought the estate over a year ago and a Pre Application Notification of Planning was submitted last year. This outlined a development of 135 chalets and an outdoor centre.

The local residents say that ‘the remains of Glassingall House appear to have materials looking awfully like asbestos lying around in the open in a fragile condition. Do not attempt to enter the area and please keep your children away. Asbestos is extremely hazardous and kills. People have been seen wandering around with their children within the fenced off area. This is a very bad idea. Please keep away’.

Here is a statement from Stirling Council

A Stirling Council spokesperson said: “We are aware of the demolition works at Glassinghall estate and can confirm investigations are underway.

“Demolition works of this nature are subject to statutory processes and require permission from the planning authority, in this case, Stirling Council. We can confirm no building warrant for demolition was requested from, or issued by, Stirling Council in relation to this work and we have taken immediate measures to ensure the site is safe.

“We are in discussions with the landowner regarding the submission of a building warrant to regulate the works already undertaken, and to cover the completion of the remaining unauthorised work.”

Here is a Tweet from Mark Ruskell MSP

NHS Forth Valley is now offering flu vaccinations to patients who will be aged 60-64 by 31 March 2021.

These will be held at the Albert Halls in Stirling from 7-10 December.

At risk patients who have missed previous clinics, plus those who are shielding and their households, are also invited to book an appointment.

Patients should phone 01324 614692 or 01324 616050 to book an appointment.

Due to a lack of resources, clinics will not be held at the Victoria Hall, but most Pharmacies, including both Bannerman's Pharmacies, are now also able to provide free NHS vaccines to eligible patients.

It was felt that most patients in this age group would be able to travel to Stirling, however, they also have the option to book an appointment at the local pharmacies if they prefer.

The Practice will also be offering opportunistic vaccinations to eligible patients if they are attending for other reasons, although we have only been allocated a small supply.

Sue Lawson
Practice Manager/eHealth Practice Champion, Dunblane Medical Practice
Direct Tel: 01786 820980




Dunblane Library will be open for select and collect, browsing bag and battery collection on


Mondays 10am-2pm

Tuesdays 10am-2pm

Thursday 1pm-5pm (24th Dec 10am-2pm)

Fridays 10am-2pm

Saturdays 10am-12noon

Online catalogue


These are by appointment only.

Staff will be available to take your calls during these hours.

Telephone 01786 823125 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your slot.



What a great way to celebrate St Andrew's Day.  The Frontline Festival Scotland is a new virtual gig, supported by 39 Scottish artists, which will be streamed over social media on 30th November.....and you're all invited!
The festival is free to watch with the aim of raising funds for 4 of Scotland's frontline charities.
* Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance
* Scottish Police Benevolent Fund
* Scottish Fire & Rescue Family Support Trust
* Scottish Ambulance Service Endowment Fund
Sign up for the festival via Facebook Events: "

or just share the link


Fiona grew up in Dunblane and attended Dunblane High School. In the podcast we speak about her journey going from an amateur to professional; champions league nights; life playing for FC Rosengård in Sweden; the highs and agonising lows of playing at Scotlands first ever World Cup last year; as well as her opinion on the current state of women's football.
She is part of the Scotland team that has help pave the way for future generations...and speaks about how she didn't really have many role models she could look up to where she could think "I want to be a professional just like them" growing up in Scotland.
We would really appreciate if you are able to check out the episode and share it also, as we are sure many from the area will be interested to get an insight into Fiona's journey!
Google Podcasts: Google 
You will also find the No Right Path podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

Our podcast is about exploring the journeys and personal experiences of people from all walks of life...with the hope that through the power of sharing their stories and the lessons they've learned, people listening will be inspired to dig a little deeper into their own.

The death has been announced of local silversmith Graham Stewart. Graham will be greatly missed by the whole community of Dunblane.

Read about Graham here

Dunblane Area Maps – Update time!

Please complete the User Survey -

The printed maps are running out, and need to keep up with local developments – e.g. the new trails on Sheriffmuir, new housing and road crossings etc.
Funds have been secured via ‘Paths for All’, from the ‘Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund’, and the project is co-ordinated by volunteers through Dunblane Development Trust.

The new printed maps will be given to schools and public, and continue to be available online at on the local walking, cycling, running pages. The station map posters will also be updated. The User Survey will provide information on how people use the maps, and help to update the Walking and Cycling Improvements report which highlights local issues.

The remaining 2016 Maps are now available from;
• ‘Weigh Ahead’ Dunblane High St
• Doune Information Centre (Post Office)
• Recyke-a-bike at Causewayhead
• Also some poster Index Street maps in A2 size are available – contact 01786 825741

You can read more about walking, cycling and running around Dunblane on this website here

User Survey link : Survey link

QR code for survey : maps survey qrcode

ddt logosmarter choices


Carbon Choices: Common-sense Solutions to our Climate and Nature Crises

by Neil Kitching 


Coming from Scotland, host of the global 2021 climate conference, Carbon Choices tells the greatest story on planet Earth. How one group of sociable animals came to emit 40 billion tonnes (40,000,000,000) of an invisible gas each year, changing the chemistry of the atmosphere and the oceans, and steadily destroying the environment and life support systems that we depend on. We have unwittingly driven the world into a climate and wildlife crisis by the endless extraction of raw materials and our excessive consumerism - primarily by wealthier people and countries

Carbon Choices considers the psychology that drives us to buy more ‘stuff’ and whether this makes us happier. In plain language, it describes ten building blocks that provide us with a foundation to build sensible climate change solutions; and five common-sense principles to guide us in the decisions that we make.

By applying these principles to our daily lives – our diets, homes, travel, shopping and leisure - we can regenerate nature, improve our society, be healthier, happier and lead more fulfilled lives.

This popular science book concludes with a green action plan for government, business and individuals to make better Carbon Choices. The book will fill any gaps in your understanding of climate change and nature loss and lays out the solutions including a green action plan for government, businesses and individuals. It will motivate you to change your behaviour and maybe even inspire you to campaign to change the behaviour of businesses and government.

Available for £10 from Meldrum Newsagent, Dunblane Post Office and Weigh Ahead, or £5 e-book on kindle.

One third of all profits will be donated to rewilding projects. Further information is available at


Murder Under the Microscope: A Personal History of Homicide 

by James Fraser


Most murders are not difficult to solve. People are usually killed by someone they know, there is usually abundant evidence and the police methods used to investigate this type of crime are highly effective. But what about the more difficult cases, where the investigation involves an unusual death, an unusual killer, or is complex or politically charged? In these cases, bringing the accused before the courts can take many years, even then, the outcome may be contentious or unresolved.

In this compelling and chilling memoir, Jim Fraser draws on his personal experience as a forensic scientist and cold case reviewer to give a unique insight into some of the most notable cases that he has investigated during his forty-year career, including the deaths of Rachel Nickell, Damilola Taylor and Gareth Williams, the GCHQ code breaker.

Inviting the reader into the forensic scientist's micro-world, Murder Under the Microscope reveals not only how each of these cases unfolded as a human, investigative and scientific puzzle, but also why some were solved and why others remain unsolved or controversial even to this day.

‘Jim Fraser has been at the forefront of forensic science in the UK for decades... A superb story of real-life CSI.' Dr Richard Shepherd, bestselling author of Unnatural Causes

'Powerful... Fascinating' Independent



A new £1 million ‘Scotland Loves Local’ fund will provide grants of between £500 and £5,000 to hundreds of projects to promote town centre and online businesses.

The funding aims to support small scale improvements that will help motivate people to shop, eat and relax within their community whilst ensuring public health safety.

Grants can be put towards providing safe shopping information for residents and tourists, the installation of public health infrastructure such as protective screens, physical distancing markers, hand sanitising equipment and PPE.

Applications close November 25th. More info here :


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