Fiona Brown - New Podcast


Fiona grew up in Dunblane and attended Dunblane High School. In the podcast we speak about her journey going from an amateur to professional; champions league nights; life playing for FC Rosengård in Sweden; the highs and agonising lows of playing at Scotlands first ever World Cup last year; as well as her opinion on the current state of women's football.
She is part of the Scotland team that has help pave the way for future generations...and speaks about how she didn't really have many role models she could look up to where she could think "I want to be a professional just like them" growing up in Scotland.
We would really appreciate if you are able to check out the episode and share it also, as we are sure many from the area will be interested to get an insight into Fiona's journey!
Google Podcasts: Google 
You will also find the No Right Path podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

Our podcast is about exploring the journeys and personal experiences of people from all walks of life...with the hope that through the power of sharing their stories and the lessons they've learned, people listening will be inspired to dig a little deeper into their own.

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