
Community Councils are
made up of people who care
about their communities and
want to make their area a
better place to live. Community
Councillors represent local
people’s views on important
decisions which affect them.
People who are interested in
improving their communities can
become a Community Councillor in
the forthcoming elections. If you are
over 16, on the Electoral Register and
live in the Community Council area
you want to represent, you can put
in a nomination form.
to the Council. 
further details can be obtained from

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Deadline - 23rd July 2024 at 4pm.

Enforcement against parking on pavements, parking at crossing points and double parking will begin in Stirling on Monday, 15th July.

The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 prohibits pavement parking, double parking, and parking on the carriageway adjacent to a footway where the footway has been lowered or the carriageway raised to assist crossing by pedestrians or cyclists.

The law aims to improve the safety of pedestrians, particularly those with mobility issues or visual impairments, and parents or carers with pushchairs. Footways are not designed to bear the weight of a vehicle and persistent parking is likely to cause damage.

Local authorities now have the power to enforce this law and issues fines by way of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) of £100, which is reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days.

Enforcement officers will begin issuing PCNs (Penalty Charge Notice) from 15 July. The Council’s enforcement officers will be issuing advisory notices from 1 to 14 July where vehicles are parked in contravention of the new legislation.

You can read further info here.

As part of the budget cuts this year, the lollipop crossings on the two roads are to be replaced by Zebra crossings.  Please give any feedback on the design to Nikki Slack (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  Comments in relation to the budget saving decision should be directed to Janice Fanning, Services
Manager Facilities Management on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 Doune Road

Old Doune Road

Our Dunblane Survey - To participate take survey (NOW LIVE!)

For more information - Our Dunblane

We are currently preparing an Evidence Report, which is the first stage in the preparation of LDP3. A key part of the Evidence Report process is to gather information from early consultation and engagement, and use the information gathered to establish what to plan for before the Proposed Local Development Plan identifies the specific locations where new development should take place.

The draft approach for the Evidence Report is included within our Evidence Report Position Statement and takes into account the main priorities identified in the 2023 consultation. Feedback from the 2023 consultation can be found in the Consultation Feedback Report and Housing Analysis Report.

This week, we have launched a series of surveys through the Engage Stirling website:

·       ‘Have a Say on the Scope of the Evidence Report’
– following on from our 2023 consultation survey, we are asking for your views on what should be included in the Evidence Report. This survey is titled ‘Evidence Report - Scope and Content’.

·       Three surveys looking for further feedback and information to build up an evidence base for important policy areas concerning:

o   Housing

o   Local Living

o   Heritage

·       Play, Sport and Recreation Survey
– for children and young people aged 0-17, as well as individuals, community groups and organisations that represent the views and experiences of children/young people. This survey will help gather data for a Play Sufficiency Assessment.

·       Lastly, a survey seeking views on a draft Site Assessment methodology
- this will inform the process of assessing sites for potential inclusion in LDP3 and will be carried out during the later "Proposed Plan" stage.

For each of these topics we have prepared individual surveys, each with detailed introductions explaining what they are about and their intended purpose.

To complete the online surveys please scan the QR CODE below with a mobile device or visit

The surveys will close on Friday 7 June 2024.

Accessible formats can be requested by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 01786 233660.

Further information and documents relating to developing Stirling’s new LDP can be found on our website:


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