Detailed response to Freedom of Information request


Dunblane Community Council FoI Requests

DCC made two FoI requests to Stirling Council in relation to the handing of the Park of Keir planning application.

Provided below is part of the response letter from Stirling Council (the full letter is in the file)


Your request for information – FOI/14249 and FOI/14250

I refer to your requests for information, logged by us as FOI/14249 and FOI/14250 in which you requested the following information.

Please can you provide to me all emails, notes of telephone conversations and meetings and other communications between Stirling Council councillors and officers and their consultants and the applicants and their advisors, agents and supporters and also their consultants, from 20 January 2019 to today, in respect of the negotiations to achieve a "satisfactory conclusion of a planning obligation", as required by the Ministerial “Minded to Consent” decision on the Park of Keir appeal, published on Wednesday 30 August 2017.

Please can you provide to me all emails, notes of telephone conversations and meetings and other communications between Stirling Council councillors and officers and their consultants and advisors and Scottish Government politicians, officers and their consultants and advisors, from 20 January 2019 to today, in respect of the negotiations to achieve a "satisfactory conclusion of a planning obligation", as required by the Ministerial “Minded to Consent” decision on the Park of Keir appeal, published on Wednesday 30 August 2017.


The Council's Response?

The information provided by the Council was extensive (80+ files) but heavily redacted.

The files are presented here (via Dropbox) without comment


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