Dunblane Area Maps Update & Survey

Dunblane Area Maps – Update time!

Please complete the User Survey - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DunblaneMaps

The printed maps are running out, and need to keep up with local developments – e.g. the new trails on Sheriffmuir, new housing and road crossings etc.
Funds have been secured via ‘Paths for All’, from the ‘Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund’, and the project is co-ordinated by volunteers through Dunblane Development Trust.

The new printed maps will be given to schools and public, and continue to be available online at Dunblane.info on the local walking, cycling, running pages. The station map posters will also be updated. The User Survey will provide information on how people use the maps, and help to update the Walking and Cycling Improvements report which highlights local issues.

The remaining 2016 Maps are now available from;
• ‘Weigh Ahead’ Dunblane High St
• Doune Information Centre (Post Office)
• Recyke-a-bike at Causewayhead
• Also some poster Index Street maps in A2 size are available – contact 01786 825741

You can read more about walking, cycling and running around Dunblane on this website here

User Survey link : Survey link

QR code for survey : maps survey qrcode

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