Kippenrait Glen : Newsletter & Volunteering Opportunities

Read the Kippenrait Glen Newsletter

from Scottish Natural Heritage

Autumn 2013

Monty Don : Did you know that the noted botanist George Don (ancestor of BBC gardener Monty Don) recorded many plants in the glen in the late 18th century whilst working as an apprentice clockmaker in Dunblane

Opportunities for local people to get involved

Woodland Volunteer tasks : We expect some of the woodland management tasks, such as clearing snowberry bushes and small rhododendron stands, to be undertaken by volunteers, starting during the autumn/winter of 2013/14. The volunteers will be supervised by qualified, experienced staff from The Conservation Volunteers (TCV). Anyone interested in taking part should contact Ali Lawson at TCV on 01786 479 697.

Woodland Outdoor Learning Project : We hope to start an outdoor learning project in the woods in early 2014. Our plan is for local schoolchildren to have the chance to get involved in exciting, hands on science projects by studying the woods on their doorstep and sharing their findings with others through events and publications.

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