Work Underway on Riverside Walkway Restoration

Community in Action

Allan Water, Retaining Wall Restoration, Dunblane

A partnership project between Dunblane Development Trust and Stirling Council is about to restore a section of the collapsed Riverside Walk in Dunblane.

A section of the Riverside Walk, the recreational path that runs along the banks of the Allanwater just below Dunblane Cathedral has been fenced off and closed to the public since 2011 when it was washed away by the river in full flow following a period of extreme wet weather.

The local community led by Dunblane Development Trust has been working to see it restored and reopened as the walk is a valuable asset of cathedral city life for both locals and visitors.

Stirling Council has set aside £100,000 towards the necessary work and Dunblane Development Trust has also attained a £10,000 grant from the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust and has raised over £2,000 from local public donations to allow the restoration to take place.

Stirling Council Environment Convenor, Councillor Danny Gibson, said: “We know just how important this part of Dunblane is to the local community and what a jewel in the crown it is of their visitor offering which is why we have pledged such a significant sum.  Stirling Council is delighted to support the community’s aspirations and efforts to have the Riverside Walk restored and reopened.”

Altogether the project is likely to cost up to £110,000 and the Dunblane Development Trust, acting as agent, has appointed IKM Consulting Ltd as the principal contractor.  The works will be overseen by Stirling Council’s Localities and Infrastucture service.  Weather permitting the project is anticipated to be complete by mid September 2016.

Roy Nicolson, chair of Dunblane Development Trust, said “after years of campaigning and effort by the trust’s volunteers, the local community will be delighted that the reinstatement of this valued riverside walkway is now being undertaken.”

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