Rail Electrification Update October 2018

Stirling-Dunblane-Alloa Electrification update

Read the Safety Notice

Following the successful completion of recent engineering works along the Stirling - Dunblane – Alloa (SDA) railway we are now moving to the next stage of making the line Live.

The initial electrification of the SDA route between Greenhill Junction, Polmont Junction, Grangemouth Junction and Larbert Junction was completed and made live in May 2018. The final section from Larbert Junction to Stirling, Dunblane and Alloa will be live for testing from Sunday 4th November. Network Rail is advising lineside communities that the overhead lines will be LIVE and DANGEROUS.

Electrification of the railway will means increased capacity on routes by improving the infrastructure to enable longer, faster and greener modern electric trains to run.

With the overhead lines carrying a deadly 25,000 volts of electricity, our primary focus is ensuring the safety of our lineside neighbours. We have an on-going programme to raise awareness about the changes to the railway, particularly among young people.

Supported by the British Transport Police (BTP), we have already initiated visits to schools across the SDA route to deliver a series of workshops to warn of the dangers of trespassing on rail lines or playing near electric power cables.

Safety notification leaflets are also being distributed to lineside neighbours and schools in your constituency.
This rolling programme of activity will continue throughout the year, where in addition to BTP’s activity, we will also deliver sport workshops to highlight the changes to the railway environment and further reinforce the safety message.
In addition to all schools receiving the safety notification leaflet, we are also encouraging teachers to deliver lesson plans from electrification and rail safety resources available via our website at www.networkrail.co.uk/communities/safety-in-the-community/safety-education

Adverts will also feature within the local press to raise awareness amongst drivers and communities who live near and travel through Level Crossings on the Stirling to Bridge of Allan line and also the Alloa line, to ensure they consider the height of their vehicle in relation to the live overhead equipment.

I hope that this gives you a flavour of the activity we have planned for your constituency. We would welcome your support in communicating our safety messages and ask that you circulate the attached leaflet via your own social media platforms and community websites and follow and Retweet information posted via @NetworkRailEGIP

Please do not hesitate to contact me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to receive further information or have any questions. I have included a link to a short film that talks about the wider electrification programme across central Scotland’s railway: https://network-rail.wistia.com/medias/q6ls21jur4

Dave Boyce, Senior Communications Manager, Network Rail, Scotland

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