Dunblane Hydro Road Race needs Volunteer Marshalls



Dunblane Hydro Road Race and a separate Youth Race are being held once again this year on Sunday 4th May under a new committee. This year the race is supporting schools and the Dunblane Centre and encouraging both youngsters and adults to benefit from sporting activities.

45 marshals are required to run these races safely otherwise the event will not take place. At present there are only 18 volunteers. Please can you help to ensure this important local venture which draws runners from across Scotland continues to be successful?


What's involved is a briefing for marshals at 12 noon, the race starts at 1.00pm and the event finishes around 2.00pm.

If you can help please e-mail Iain Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dunblane Hydro Road Race Organising Committee



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