Dunblane Guiding Needs You

This is an urgent call for help. Without wanting to sound over dramatic, Girlguiding in Dunblane is facing a crisis due to lack of qualified adult volunteers.

In Dunblane, we currently have 2 Rainbow units, 4 Brownie units, 3 Guide units - all full- and a Senior section which is the envy of other districts. We also currently have 60 girls on our waiting lists and this number is rising on a monthly basis - there is clearly the need for more units.

To compound the situation, one of our Rainbow Leaders is stepping down at the end of this term and, with no qualified Leader to replace her, it looks like the unit will have to close until one can be found. With 37 girls waiting to join Rainbows alone, this is clearly not going to help our situation.

Most of our units are able to call on parents for help as part of a rota but we now need volunteers who are prepared to do the Girlguiding UK Leadership Qualification. Details can be found here.

The vast majority of the qualification is done in the course of regular unit meetings and the Leader in Training is supported by a Mentor - an experienced leader- and other assistant leaders within the unit.

Whilst our immediate concern is for our Rainbow units, we are looking for volunteers for all sections - Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section - to support existing units and with a view to opening new ones.

I have been involved with Girlguiding in Dunblane for about 5 years now, many of the other leaders for a lot longer than that. I started off as a parent helper, caught the bug and haven't looked back. We have a fantastic bunch of girls and Leaders in this city, and we all benefit in a number of different ways being a part of Girlguiding.

If you, or any one you know - please spread the word- would like more information contact me at the e-mail address below or talk to any of the other leaders. We will also have a recruitment stall at both Newton Primary and Dunblane Primarys' Summer Fetes, please come and talk to us there too.

Judy Morrison
Dunblane District Commissioner
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