Update on Pedestrian Rail Bridge Replacement.

thebridgeThe existing blue pedestrian bridge will be replaced by Network Rail in the next 12 months. The reason is that it does not comply with current disabled access requirements.

Network Rail approached the community council last year; they presented options which were not acceptable which involved a ramp only solution. The ramp on the Victoria Hall side would have run for the entire length of the hall and back which would have given us a very large and very  long structure.

After consultation with various groups in Dunblane it was decided that a ramp solution would not be acceptable and that a three lift option with steps for able-bodied folk would be preferable. Our MSP, Keith Brown, had to intervene to get Network Rail to listen to the community's views.

Following a meeting in March, Network Rail have agreed to work up a three lift solution. They intend to hold a public consultation event at the Victoria Hall once the planning application has been submitted to enable the public to comment on the proposals as part of the planning process. It is vital that the materials used are sympathetic to the conservation area in which the station resides, this has been emphasised to Network Rail who have appointed architects to work on the design.


There will be folk in favour of lifts and opposed to them. It is the opinion of the community council and the groups it consulted that the lift option represents the best overall solution. The lifts will be monitored on CCTV on a continuous basis whilst in operation as are the station platforms currently.

Keep your eye on this website for details of when the public consultation will take place and any further updates.

Terence O’Byrne (Chair, Dunblane Community Council)

16th April 2013

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