DCC November 23 Hotspots

Here are some of the key topics under discussion this month.  Our full list of intiatives is on our home page


Transport Transport

Dunblane Community Council (DCC) has asked Stirling Council (SC) to consider installing a pedestrian crossing on the dual carriageway across from the Dunblane Centre to improve road safety for people accessing the centre.  SC have said they will carry out an assessment,.

DCC has submitted a review to TACTRAN (Tayside & Central Transport) to consider improving the slip roads to the A9 at the Queen Victoria school junction.  These are very short and therefore dangerous for road users.  We also mentioned the need for a road bypassing the Keir roundabout between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan.

 SC have rejected a request for a 40mph limit on the road to Kinbuck - that will go to petition.

 £ Town Centre & Economy

 DCC has secured the sponsorship of a Stirling Councillor to verify that Dunblane will be elligible for a portion of the windfall funding should the Windburn wind farm development behind Dumyat be allowed to proceed.  Dates of the meetings have now been advertised.

Heritage Heritage

The Old Bank building initiative has DCC's support and has now managed to secure 600 members supporting its vision to become an Arts and Heritage centre with a music / cinema room and a cafe. 

 Events Community

3 have decided not to proceed with the build of a mast by Dunblane Primary.  Following DCC's raising of concerns, a number of councillors and Scottish ministers wrote to 3 (Hutchison) to reconsider the build of a 5G Telecoms Mast at Murdoch Terrace close to Dunblane Primary school.  The letter details the legal precendent and scientific evidence that is starting to point towards 5G masts being a potential health hazard.  Legislation permits utility companies to override such concerns, but it is hoped that level of pressure may cause 3 to reconsider.

 Housing Housing

 Dandara have submitted a vision for a major development across the South and West of Dunblane

 DCC will respond with a Local Plan document. The Big Survey will be tailored to the vision with targeted questions around possibilities such as improvements funded by planning gain.

 Environment Green Spaces  Stirling Council has confirmed that work to repair the Memorial Bridge (opposite the War Memorial) will be completed by Remembrance Sunday.
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