Glen Road Conservation : Review 2023

Message from Bridget Clark 

The Glen Road withstood the winter storms Arwen and Eunice well at the start of the year.  

However it was a relief when the old drainage from the field drains above was restored in summer. Tom finished digging out the settling pond and the contour drain, and put pipes down to the victorian culvert BoA side. It is diverting a useful amount of water away from the steep slopes above the road. 

That has broadly completed the conservation works initiated in 2019, fundraised c£44,500.  Thanks to Ian and Tom for managing the works for maximum value.  Though we continue to respond to ongoing maintenance.

Thanks to Peter's Paths Team for scraping back vegetation BoA side, and at the high Wharryburn bridge.  

Grateful thanks to Stirling Council roads team who responded to Ian's suggestion for a 'stitch in time' bitmac seam repair at the gabions by the high bridge.

Good to see more orchids reappearing - both common and rarer ones.

Less welcome to see 16 mattresses dumped just below our section!  Thanks to Friends of BoA for removing them. Luckily fly tipping is rare, probably due to so many people passing through.

Keeping on top of ash die back, and drains after heavy rain.

Someone attempted to drive over the bollards - Dunblane end this time. 

And many thanks to the annual leaf blowers team organised by Stewart and Duncan, for a particularly demanding session this year.

We always get lots of grateful thanks when working along the road.  People find it very special.



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