Call for info on WW2 Polish soldiers in Dunblane

A local Polish historian has put out a call for assistance in gathering information about the Polish soldiers that were stationed in Dunblane during the WW2, or who received military training in Dunblane in 1946-1948.

About a year ago, a local metal detectorist found 12 metal buttons decorated with the Polish Eagle on a south-facing slope overlooking the Dunblane Cathedral. The land (now near the Hydro) used to be connected with a military hospital and we know that Polish soldiers stationed in Dunblane during the WW2 or received military training soon after the War. The buttons will be donated to Dunblane Museum and we are gathering more information about the Polish soldiers to prepare an article and a lecture about the troops.

If you knew, or perhaps you are related to a Polish soldier that was stationed in the area, and you are willing to share your memories, information and/or memorabilia, please contact Dr Gabriela Ingle at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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