DCC Meetings now on Zoom

The Community Council has had a request from a regular attender to join the monthly meeting, which has recently been held on Zoom and limited to Community Council members and Elected members (the police and Stirling Council staff are not  permitted to attend zoom meetings).  

It may be that we are able to open more to interested members of the public.  I say more interested as having 100 people signed into zoom will be a nightmare. If you are interested you will need to tell us that you wish to join and provide an email address so you can get an invitation to the zoom meeting. 

It is probably best to tell us if you have a burning issue that you want to have discussed.  I am wary of putting a limit on numbers – so we will see how it goes to start with.

So looking for something different to do on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm then drop me a line to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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