Dunblane Community Partnership invites all community groups to meeting on 20 February

Dunblane Community Partnership is holding a meeting for all community organisations in Dunblane to tell them more about the draft Community Action Plan, hear their views and how they can be involved.

On Monday 20 February at 7.30pm

In the Braeport Centre 

Get involved : We also want to discuss how community organisations could work together in the future. Let us know what you think! Does the draft Action Plan cover the important issues – have we missed anything? We want to make sure that more people can be involved in making the activity in the Action Plan happen. Please get involved – let us know the skills you have and what interests you.

Working groups : We are planning to set up working groups to take some of the actions forward – watch out here for more information. We will update this site regularly with news on what’s going on. We want to make sure that all households have a copy of the Community Action Plan once it is finalised– so look out for a copy coming through your door – or where you can get one.

Read more about Dunblane Community Partnership and the Charrette process.

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