Read about the new Management Structure and see where services are to be located.


Stirling Council agreed a new senior management structure at its meeting on Thursday 26 June.

The Council will have four services:-

  • Housing and Environment,
  • Communities and Partnerships,
  • Children, Young People and Education,
  • Corporate Operations.


A Director will lead each Service. The creation of Director posts will result in the removal of the Depute Chief Executive post and five Heads of Service posts.

Three Director posts are currently being advertised and it is expected to have all the Directors in post over the Autumn. Most teams will remain as they are. However there will be a greater emphasis on working across the organisation and a clear focus on customers and working in partnership with communities.

There will be no changes to the management posts within the Education Service at this stage, other than a change to the title of Head of Education, which will now become Director of Children, Young People and Education. Any changes to the Education Service and to Social Services will happen in partnership with Clackmannanshire Council and NHS Forth Valley as part of Health and Social Care integration and the development of shared services, if there is a case for change.

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