Historical Photos

 bakery co op   Dunblane Co-operative Society occupied several properties in Dunblane High Street, with different departments being located in separate buildings. The hardware and butcher departments were in shops next to the roundabout while the grocery department shown in this photograph close to St Blane's Church.
 Dunblane station 1880   This photo shows Dunblane Station in 1880. The station was first opened to traffic in 1848 when the main road came through Claredon Place to cross the present post office. When the Callander line was opened in 1858, Dunblane became an important junction with a large goods yard which occupied the area of the minister's old glebe. In 1866 the railway company constructed a by-pass by building Sunnyside and the railway bridge at Stirling Road. They also made a new road round by Springfield Terrace to join the Doune Road
 Dunblane station sidings   Dunblane Station Sidings. The buildings on the north bound platform and the footbridge which crossed from here to King's Garage (now Tesco) were removed about 39 years ago.
dunblane cathedral 1876    This photograph from 1876 shows Dunblane Cathedral before its restoration in 1883. In the foreground are Victorian railway trucks and behind them the old mill dam; beyond is the Grassyard, or Bishop's Yard, with linen spread out to bleach. Prior to the Reformation this area was the garden of the palace of the Bishop of the Cathedral. From 1689 it was used as such by successive ministers who allowed the townsfolk access to it through the manse grounds. In 1818, the then minister petitioned to restrict its use but in 1842 the Barons of the Exchequer granted the ground to the community for use as a bleaching green - a stone pillar still stands here to commemorate this. In 1933 the Bishops' Yard was purchased by the Town Council of Dunblane for the benefit of the community
Dunblane High St c1890 v1   This is a view looking up Dunblane High Street towards Dunblane Cathedral, from a painting from around 1890.
Dunblane jail police station   This photo shows Dunblane's jail and police station at the top of the high street in 1904. It was erected in 1842 on the site of the old town mansion of Viscount Strathallan; it replaced an earlier tolbooth built in 1650 which stood on the east side of the main entrance to the cathedral churchyard. When the adjacent County Buildings were opened in 1844 Dunblane became the court town for West Perthshire until this was removed to Stirling Sheriff Court in 1975. The old jail was demolished in 1963 - the site laid out with present rose garden.
 Dunblane station 1926   This photo shows the station in 1926. Note the house on the left, the wooden shelter on the right - still there - and the siding with with a drop platform for off-loading cattle destined for the neighbouring slaughter house.
laighills1950   This is an aerial photograph taken in the 1950s of Dunblane's Laigh Hills Park. The main railway line runs through the east of the park, and the Allan Water snakes around the west. Dunblane's first golf club (then attached to Dunblane Hydro Hotel) was built in the Laigh Hills
mill millrow   The Mill in the Millrow in 1876. A meal mill has existed on this site since at least the 15th century. It originally belonged to the Bishops and Chapter of the Cathedral but after the reformation of the mid 16th century it passed to the lairds of Cromlix. The washing green area in front was known as Sheiling Hill where grain was separated from the husks by thrashing. On the right can be seen the old gas works - gas lighting being introduced to Dunblane as early as 1841. In 1906 a larger gasometer was erected in the walled garden to the left of the picture, and a new gasworks built. Some of the older residents will remember the famous model lodging house! The gas works were demolished in 1951, and after being used as a builder's store the old mill was pulled down in 1954. The new gasometer remained in use until the arrival of North Sea Gas in the mid 1970's but it too has now been cleared and is now the present Millrow car park
 motorbike and sidecar   Robert MacAlpine on his motorbike in front of his hardware shop in Dunblane High Street. The shop was known locally as Tingaleerie's.
 Roman camp   Crop marks revealed in this 1945 aerial photograph show the outlines of two Roman temporary Marching Camps at Hillside. These were probably built by the Roman General Agricola during his invasion of north Scotland in A.D. 83-84. The larger camp is around13 hectares and would have held part of the invasion army. Set within it is a smaller camp, built shortly after, and covering an area of 6 hectares. It shares a common boundary on the west side, and would have been used as a transit camp by Legions moving north and south. The camp is now partially covered by modern housing on Argyle Way
 Stirling Arms Staff Dunblane 1876   The Stirling Arms Hotel staff in 1876. Servants wages were about £12 per year. Hours of work were 6 am to 6 pm six days a week. Three days holiday were allowed every year.
The Barty Family   The Barty family at Glenacres in 1889. An interesting portrait of a middle class, professional family in late Victorian times. Solicitors then normally worked from 10am to 4pm without a lunch break. Dinner was taken at 4pm and work resumed from 6pm to 8pm. On the extreme left is James Webster Barty, who came from Cupar Angus to Dunblane in 1863 to join the legal practice that his uncle Thomas had established in 1829. On his marriage in 1866, he built Glenacres in the Glen Road and for fifty years was Procurator Fiscal for West Perthshire. For the same period he was an elder of the cathedral and was responsible for carrying through the concept of restoring the cathedral. The 16 year old boy standing to the right of the doorway is Alexander Boyd Barty who was later to write a "History of Dunblane".
The Sir Nigel Greasley Steam Train Dunblane   The last days of steam! Here is the 13.30 Aberdeen to Glasgow express passing through Dunblane Station in July 1964, pulled by an ex LNER A.4 Pacific engine. These locomotives were in regular use on this route in the last days of steam. The one shown here - the Sir Nigel Gresley - is preserved in the National Railway Museum in York

Dunblane Co-operative Society (known as the Co-op) occupied several properties in Dunblane High Street, with differehnt departments being located in separate buildings. The hardware and butcher departments were in shops next to the roundabout while the grocery department is shown in this photograph in the property just below St Blane's Church. Dunblane Station in 1880. The present footbridge over the main line being erected in 1895. The station was opened to traffic in 1848, and at this time the main road came through Claredon Place to cross the present post office. When the Callander line was opened in 1858 Dunblane became an Important junction with a large goods yard which occupied the area of the minister's old glebe. In 1866 the railway company constructed a by-pass by building sunnyside and the railway bridge at Stirling Road, and made a new road round by Springfield Terrace to join the Doune Road.Dunblane Station Sidings. The buildings on the north bound platform, and the footbridge which crossed from here to King's Garage, (now Tesco) were removed about 39 years ago. The goods yard is know disused and partly built over by modern sheltered housing.Dunblane Cathedral 1876

This unique photograph of 1876 shows the cathedral before its restoration in 1983. In the foreground are Victorian railway trucks, and behind them the old mill dam. Beyond the Grassyard, or Bishop's Yard, with linen spread out to bleach. Prior to the Reformation this area was the garden of the palace of the Bishop of the Cathedral. From 1689 it was used as such by successive ministers who allowed the townsfolk access to it through the manse grounds. In 1818 the then minister petitioned to restrict its use but in 1842 the Barons of the Exchequer granted the ground to the community for use as a bleaching green, and a stone pillar still stands here to commemorate this. In 1933 the Bishops's Yard was purchased by the Town Council of Dunblane for the benefit of the community.This is a view looking up Dunblane High Street towards Dunblane Cathedral, from a painting from around 1890Dunblane's jail and police station at the top of the high street in 1904. 

It was erected in 1842 on the site of the old town mansion of Viscount Strathallan, and replaced an earlier tolbooth built in 1650 which stood on the east side of the main entrance to the cathedral churchyard. When the adjacent County Buildings were opened in 1844 Dunblane became the court town for West Perthshire until this was removed to Stirling Sheriff Court in 1975. The old jail was demolished in 1963, and the site laid out with present rose garden while the old County Buildings now lie empty.This shows the station in 1926. Note the house on the left, the wooden shelter on the right - still there - and the siding with with a drop platform for offloading cattle for the slaughter house, now part of the station car park.This is an aerial photograph taken in the 1950s of Dunblane's Laighills Park (it was known locally as the Lichills). The railway north to Perth runs through the east of the park, and the River Allan snakes around the west of the park. Dunblane's first Golf Club (then attached to Dunblane Hydro Hotel) was located within the Laighills.The Mill in the Millrow in 1876. A meal mill has existed on this site since at least the 15th century. It originally belonged to the Bishops and Chapter of the Cathedral but after the reformation of the mid 16th century it passed to the lairds of Cromlix. The washing green area in front was known as Sheiling Hill where grain was separated from the husks by thrashing. On the right can be seen the old gas works - gas lighting being introduced to Dunblane as early as 1841. In 1906 a larger gasometer was erected in the walled garden to the left of the picture, and a new gasworks built. Some of the older residents will remember the famous model lodging house! The gas works were demolished in 1951, and after being used as a builder's store the old mill was pulled down in 1954. The new gasometer remained in use until the arrival of North Sea Gas in the mid 1970's, but it too has now been cleared, and is now the present Millrow car park.Robert MacAlpine on his motorbike in front of his hardware shop in Dunblane High Street. The shop was known locally as Tingaleerie's.Crop marks revealed in this 1945 aerial photograph show the outlines of two Roman Temporary Marching Camps at Hillside. These were probably built by the Roman General Agricola during his invasion of north Scotland in A.D. 83-84. The larger camp encloses 13Ha., and would have held part of the invasion army. Set within it is a smaller camp, built shortly after, and covering an area of 6 Ha. It shares a common boundary on the west side, and would have been used as a Transit Camp by Legions moving north and south. The camp is now partially covered by modern housing on Argyle Way.The Stirling Arms Hotel staff in 1876. Servants wages were about £12 per year. Hours of work were 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. six days a week. Three days holiday were allowed every year.The Barty family at Glenacres in 1889. 

An interesting portrait of a middle class, professional family in late Victorian times. Solicitors then normally worked from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. without a lunch break. Dinner was taken at 4 p.m. and work resumed from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. On the extreme left is James Webster Barty, who came from Bendochy, Cupar Angus, to Dunblane in 1863 to join the legal practice his uncle Thomas had established in 1829. On his marriage in 1866 he built Glenacres in the Glen Road, and for fifty years was Procurator Fiscal for West Perthshire. For the same period he was an elder of the cathedral, and was responsible foe carrying through the concept of restoring the cathedral. The 16 year old boy standing to the right of the doorway is Alexander Boyd Barty who was later to write the classic, The Last Days Of Steam - The 13.30 Aberdeen - Glasgow express passing through Dunblane Station in July, 1964, pulled by an ex LNER A.4 Pacific engine. These locomotives were in regular use on this route in the last days of steam, and the one shown here, The Sir Nigel Greasley is now preserved in the National Railway Museum at York.

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