25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys' Brigade


We provide an exciting range of activities for around 150 boys between the ages of 5 and 18 each week. Each section has structured, age-appropriate activiities to interest everyone, covering sports, life skills, music and arts, competitions, personal and spiritual development, the opportunity to visit new places, make new friendships and experience new challenges. Whilst we are a Christian organisation, we welcome boys from any and all faiths and denominations and those of none. We are currently one of the biggest BB companies in the UK hence we are always looking for volunteers who share the Christian ethos of the BB, as well as welcoming boys at any point during the year. Please note that waiting lists are in operation for several year groups.

Anchor Boys - P1 to P3 - Wednesdays 6.15 - 7.15pm (St. Blane's Church)
Junior Section - P4 to P6 - Fridays 6.15-7.45pm (St. Blane's Church)
Company Section - P7 to S3 - Fridays 8.00-10.15pm (St. Blane's Church) and Sundays 10.00-10.45am (St. Mary's Church Hall)
Senior Section - S4 to S6 - as Company Section above
Band (for P6-S6 members) - Wednesday 6.45-9.15pm (St. Blane's Hall)
Pipes/Chanters (for P6-S6 members) - Thursday 7.00-8.30pm (St. Blane's Church)

Captain (responsible for oversight of all sections) - Fraser Boyd (821387)
Company Section Officer-in-charge - Graeme McEwan
Junior Section Officer-in-charge - Euan McLagan
Anchor Boy Officer-in-charge - Harry Tyler

Additional Info

  • Phone: 01786 821387
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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