
The community centre built as a “living tribute” to the victims of the Dunblane shooting is facing an uncertain future amid rising costs.

The Dunblane Centre opened in 2004 after the town received donations from across the world following the tragedy at the primary school in 1996.

But there are now fears the facility may be forced to close without financial help.

Donations to the Dunblane Centre can be made on the facility’s website.

Read more on STV news here

Cycle lanes from the five ways roundabout to the Claredon roundabout are set to be erased.  This is thought to be a safety measure because of doors being opened in parked cars.  

Although some suggest that this route isn't particularly useful for cyclists given that there is no onward connection to Bridge of Allan from the Claredon roundabout, it should be noted that it includes the only bridge over the railway other than pedestrian bridges and is therefore key to cyclists travelling between the two halves of Dunblane.  Others suggest that the cycle lanes were a traffic calming measure to support the 20mph limit.  This theory certainly appears to be being given credence by the large cycles that are now painted right across the main carriageway that is presumabley still intended for use by cars.

This was discussed by Dunblane Community Council and Stirling Council at length on the 1st March.  They will publish findings in due course here :

Please let us know your views!
Calum Thomson  On 11th March, the Coop became Greens of Dunblane.  The shop makes use of the NISA network (owned by the Coop) so will continue to stock Coop brand produce as well as the produce detailed on their website.

According to the Glasgow Evening Times, Mary's Meals is set to close a number of shops including Dunblane.  The shop is much loved in Dunblane so many people will be saddened by this news if it turns out to be the case.

World record holding Dunblane theatre group take on 24-hour singing challenge

Article from Stirling Observer

Performers sing their way through the night at church hall in the town.

Local Guinness World Record Holders Rubber Chicken Theatre are excited to announce 24 Hours of Song. The non-stop sing-a-thon event will help raise funds for their widening access programme and their upcoming trip to the MTI Junior Theatre Festival in Birmingham this spring.

Singers of all ages are taking on their share of the 24-hour stint, which began at 7pm yesterday (Thursday) and ends at 7pm tonight (Friday) at Dunblane Christian Fellowship – where the performing arts group regularly rehearses and runs drama and musical theatre classes.

“This year there are no records to break, but our performing arts family are once again coming together to support a common goal,” said creative director Pamela Mackie. “Twenty-four hours is a long time to fill, but our family of resilient performers are no strangers to a challenge.”

The local record breakers gained their Guinness title in 2022 when they made a successful attempt for fastest theatrical production.

But this year’s challenge is one of endurance rather than speed – with a continuous performance, including through the night, by almost 100 singers.

Pamela said: “As we take to the stage this week, we hope the local community will get behind our ambitious fundraiser and support us with donations either in person or online.”

Rubber Chicken Theatre believes every child should have access to high quality performing arts opportunities regardless of their background or finances and have implemented a policy to ensure that cost is never a barrier.

Pamela said: “Our goal is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where children from all walks of life can come together to learn, grow and shine. By making performing arts accessible to all, we hope to inspire a new generation of young performers and create a brighter future for everyone.”

Members of the public are welcome to support the performers as they sing their way through the night with back-to-back slots throughout - right up until 7pm tonight.

Pamela added: “Pop into the building during the challenge to watch the singers in action and show your support for your local performing arts family.”

The MTI’s Junior Theatre Festival brings together schools and youth groups from across the UK and Europe for a day of musical theatre mayhem. Rubber Chicken Theatre joins 1200 other participants at the ICC in Birmingham and has attended annually since 2019. The day encompasses performance opportunities, workshops presented by highly acclaimed teaching artists, and announcements of new work and showcases from world-renowned musical theatre performers.

Rubber Chicken Theatre have collected awards for their performances at the festival in the past.

Pamela said, “We’ve been producing shows, teaching and supporting the performing arts across Dunblane for 16 years. We love our wee performing arts family and welcome anyone interested in the arts to join.

“We’re a social enterprise and work with several local charities, organisations, and schools to provide access to the arts where there are barriers to participation.

We offer drama classes, workshops, community choir, shows, and performing opportunities (on and off stage) for small children through to retired adults. No auditions are required - it’s about being part of a performing arts family, and building confidence, friendships and skills through the magic of theatre.”

The fundraising page is at:

More information can also be found online at


 Case of Avian Influenza disease confirmed near Stirling - 15 February 2023  

"Avian Influenza has been confirmed at a premises to the west of Stirling and restrictions are in place to limit the spread of the disease.
A 3km protection zone and 10km surveillance are in effect. Maps of the affected areas, the measures in place and other key information can be found on the Scottish Government website.
Anyone who keeps poultry or other birds within the 3km zone area should remain vigilant and follow stringent biosecurity measures."
Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator  
Community Development Team | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth | Stirling FK8 2ET  
T: 01786 233948 | M: 07792 362690 | E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  W: 


Sadly, Claire Watt has died suddenly

She was a well known figure in Dunblane, as a secretary at Newton Primary School for many years, as a board member of Holmehill Community Buyout and more recently as part of Dementia Friendly Dunblane

She will be greatly missed

Claire's Funeral will be on Tuesday 28 February at 2.00 in Dunblane Cathedral. Wear bright colours!


From Breda Seaman of Dementia Friendly Dunblane

Claire was a gentle woman who touched the hearts of many of us in Dunblane.
She brought compassion, fun and energy to everything she was involved in. She made everything better by just being there.
Claire was one in a million and will be sorely missed by everyone who was privileged to know her. 
Condolences to her family.

"My name is Fern Milne and I work with Stirling Councils Community Development team with a remit of Area Forum Development. Previously, Area Forums in Stirling were established to allow any Citizen, Community Council, Partner/Agency, Heads of Service, Elected Members to come together to explore 'Themes' or 'Topics' and ensure that information was shared and that decisions were influenced more effectively. Due to a number of different factors the 7 Area Forums are no longer running.

We would like to work with Stirling's Citizens to explore 'The re-establishment of Area Forums', where we would co-design a model that would best fit the communities it represents. To start with, we would like to invite you along to a virtual meeting to share a little more information about the project and how you can get involved.   Below are two dates, if neither of these are suitable please feel free to email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a time that suits.

Tuesday 31st January 7-8pm Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 1st February 7-8pm Click here to join the meeting

Kindest regards

Fern Milne"



Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator 

Community Development Team|Stirling Council|Old ViewforthStirlingFK8 2ET

T: 01786 233948 | M: 07792 362690E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. W: 

Message from Bridget Clark 

The Glen Road withstood the winter storms Arwen and Eunice well at the start of the year.  

However it was a relief when the old drainage from the field drains above was restored in summer. Tom finished digging out the settling pond and the contour drain, and put pipes down to the victorian culvert BoA side. It is diverting a useful amount of water away from the steep slopes above the road. 

That has broadly completed the conservation works initiated in 2019, fundraised c£44,500.  Thanks to Ian and Tom for managing the works for maximum value.  Though we continue to respond to ongoing maintenance.

Thanks to Peter's Paths Team for scraping back vegetation BoA side, and at the high Wharryburn bridge.  

Grateful thanks to Stirling Council roads team who responded to Ian's suggestion for a 'stitch in time' bitmac seam repair at the gabions by the high bridge.

Good to see more orchids reappearing - both common and rarer ones.

Less welcome to see 16 mattresses dumped just below our section!  Thanks to Friends of BoA for removing them. Luckily fly tipping is rare, probably due to so many people passing through.

Keeping on top of ash die back, and drains after heavy rain.

Someone attempted to drive over the bollards - Dunblane end this time. 

And many thanks to the annual leaf blowers team organised by Stewart and Duncan, for a particularly demanding session this year.

We always get lots of grateful thanks when working along the road.  People find it very special.



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