Windburn 2 Wind Farm Consultation Meetings

Windburn Wind Farm: Public Exhibitions

Wind2 invites you to attend Public Exhibition events at which the latest draft proposals for the Windburn Wind Farm will be presented. The proposed Windburn Wind Farm is located on land within the Ochil Hills. The nearest proposed turbine is approximately 3.3km to the north of the settlement of Alva, 5.2km south of Blackford and approximately 5.6km south-east of the settlement of Greenloaning.Our current proposalsfor the site are for 14 wind turbines, each with a blade tip height of up to 149.9m, and ancillary infrastructure including battery storage. The Public Exhibitions will be held as follows:

Tuesday 14th November 2023 3.00pm to 7.00pm

The Dunblane Centre Stirling Road Dunblane Stirling FK15 9EY

The Public Exhibitions will provide an opportunity to gain information about the proposals and how they have progressed following the previous Public Exhibitions held in June, as well asto see visualisationsof how the wind farm may look if constructed. You will be invited to provide comments and feedback on the proposals as part of the consultation process. Members of the Wind2 team will be in attendance to field any questions that you may have whilst visiting the exhibitions.

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