First Squirrel death from pox in Central Scotland

First death of red squirrel from squirrelpox confirmed north of Scotland’s Central Belt

The first identified death of a red squirrel from squirrelpox virus north of Scotland’s Central Belt has been confirmed on the outskirts of Dunfermline, Fife. This news could have serious consequences for the area’s red squirrel populations, and we are urging people in the region to remain vigilant and:

  • Take photos and report sightings of sick or dead red squirrels to

  • Record these and all other sightings via our website at

  • Take in all wildlife feeders from gardens and woodlands for the next month, and carefully thoroughly clean them with an anti-viral solution such as Virkon S

  • Post any dead red squirrel carcasses found to the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies for post-mortem analysis. Instructions here

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