
In these challenging times it is good that people can get out and enjoy the old Glen Road. The birds are singing and nesting, red squirrels chasing each other up trees and the spring flowers are emerging. 

This community-led project is conserving the old Glen Road between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan. The funds raised in 2019 for urgent stabilisation repairs topped £38,000 from grants and public donations.  Grants from Sustrans, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust, Stirling Council, Scotways, Paths for All, Bridge of Allan and Stirling Round Table, Bridge of Allan Community Council.  Public donations via Kindlink met the target of £5000 plus gift aid.  Works advice and co-ordination from volunteer Ian MacLachlan, IKM Consulting.  Work continues on some drainage this spring, and additional grants are being sought for a new slip meantime.

Some of our funders have asked for user information – hence the survey below. Survey closed 30th April 2020.

Many thanks for your help! 

The death has been announced of local treasure, Sandy Hunter

Read the Stirling Observer

SSEN launches £350,000 resilience fund to support community coronavirus response
31 March 2020: for immediate release
A new £350,000 fund to support communities affected by the coronavirus pandemic is now open for applications.
Due to the significant impact on communities from the coronavirus outbreak, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has repurposed its annual Resilient Communities Fund to offer grants of up to £3,000 for projects that will specifically support community members in vulnerable situations.
Applications are being encouraged for projects that will provide extra help to those who are self-isolating or social shielding, such as the elderly or those with underlying health conditions. Examples include a social delivery service, online advice centres or a befriending scheme.
The fund is open to community councils in SSEN’s north of Scotland network area, which covers the area north of the central belt including Scotland’s islands.  The initial funding round will close on 30 April, with additional rounds to open based on demand. Grant awards will be issued in early May to ensure timely release of funding to community groups.
In the event the fund is oversubscribed, the panel will give priority to applications which support communities that are particularly remote or isolated, contain high levels of vulnerability or low levels of resilience.
Colin Nicol, SSEN’s Managing Director, hopes the fund will make a difference as communities rally together to support those most in need:
“In keeping the power flowing, safely and reliably, SSEN will play an integral role in the communities we serve during the coronavirus pandemic.  As a responsible business, we believe this role also extends to supporting communities in their own response to the crisis.
“Following positive consultation with stakeholders and independent community fund panel members, we are delighted to relaunch our Resilient Communities Fund to help fund community resilience projects that will help those most in need.
“It’s encouraging to see communities pulling together at this time and we are pleased to play a small part in that response. I’d call on all local community council representatives to apply for a grant where they think we can help.”
Kerry Jardine, Scottish Government’s Resilient Communities Policy Manager and Resilient Communities Fund panel member, added:
“The SSEN Resilient Communities Fund provides a significant resource for communities to enhance their resilience to the challenges that are important to them.
“Groups throughout Scotland are currently focussing their energy on supporting their communities through the risk and restrictions that Covid-19 is presenting. We are seeing communities all over Scotland come together to develop their resilience to these challenges.
“This fund can be used to support community groups in their immediate activities and thinking ahead to their community recovering and building on their resilience to future challenges.”
Since its launch in 2015, SSEN’s Resilient Communities Fund has provided over £2.4 million to 362 local community projects to build resilience and protect those most vulnerable.  The criteria for this year’s fund was changed following consultation with SSEN stakeholder groups, who strongly supported opening the fund early and targeting coronavirus response.
For more information on this year’s Resilient Communities Fund or to apply, please visit
To check who your network operator is and to see if your community, parish or town council is eligible for SSEN funding, visit
For more information on how SSEN is protecting its customers, colleagues and network during the coronavirus pandemic, please visit
* Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), operating as Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD) and Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) under licence, is responsible for operating and maintaining the electricity distribution networks supplying over 3.8 million homes and businesses across central southern England and north of the central belt of Scotland, the Mull of Kintyre and the Scottish islands.
* Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is the trading name of Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited, Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc, Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc.      

Stirling Council and Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (SVE) are asking volunteers and local community groups to register and be part of a co-ordinated response to the Covid-19 emergency. By volunteering you can make a big difference in your area and on a national level.
We are developing a recognised, formal Stirling area wide network to support those in need at a local level. By being part of a formal coordinated effort, our response will be stronger and safer for those vulnerable individuals and families needing support. 
Stirling Council and SVE are fully tied in to the national volunteering agencies and their campaigns.
The site will allow community groups and individuals to register their interest, by registering you are helping us to provide co-ordinated support across the Stirling area.
Please register
* As individuals who would be willing to become Befrienders, Volunteer drivers, Volunteers assisting with essential groceries and collecting prescriptions or to assist with food preparation for vulnerable people.
* As local community groups who can organise a local response and provide assistance in their area. Individual members of groups need not register just a primary contact.
* As third sector organisations who can support the collective effort or commit resources at a local level.

After registration, you will be contacted by a Local Co-ordination Team in your area. We will ensure that all volunteers’ health & wellbeing is protected by following all official guidelines related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you for your continued support.
Stuart Oliver
Senior Manager
Economic Development & Communities
Natalie Masterson
Chief Executive
Stirling Voluntary Enterprise



DDT has just issued a special COVID edition of their 'Dunblane Today' newsletter. 




STOP PRESS : DDT is working with the newly established Dunblane Community Support group; helping them to set up a fund to support their work which will grow arms and legs over coming weeks. They will also need more volunteers if you have some time to participate. Look them up and think about how you might be able to help.

Stirling Council Media Release  For Immediate Release – 25.03.20

Due to the developing Covid-19 situation, Stirling Council is making necessary changes to household waste and recycling arrangements.

These will affect the collection of blue, brown and glass containers, allowing the Waste Service to focus available staff resources on priority collections.

A summary of the changes can be viewed below.

Household Waste Collection Services

Brown Bin (food and garden) collections will be suspended from W/C 30 March. Last collections will take place Sunday, 29 March. After this date Food and garden waste can be placed in your grey bin.

Glass Box collections are suspended until further notice with immediate effect. We would ask people to retain their glass at home for future recycling or, where this is not possible, to place it within your grey bin.

Blue Bins (plastics & cans) will now be collected once every four weeks. Your collection week is also temporarily changing - please check our website and social media for full details.

Grey Bins will continue to be collected as normal every two weeks on your scheduled collection day.

Green Bins will continue to be collected as normal every four weeks on your scheduled collection day.

This means that only ONE bin will be collected each week until further notice. Please follow the new temporary timetable which is listed below.

Summary of forthcoming collection weeks:
- W/C 30th March – GREY Bins only
- W/C 6th April – GREEN Bins only
- W/C 13th April – GREY Bins only
- W/C 20th April – BLUE Bins only

Prior to each collection week, we will be reminding the public what bin is due for collection on the Council’s social media channels – Twitter and Facebook. The new arrangements and a summary of the changes can also be found on the dedicated Coronavirus service disruptions page on the Stirling Council website.

For the time being, please disregard the waste and recycling collection calendars that were recently posted to your house.

COVID-19 – Safe Waste Presentation Procedures

Any individuals asked to self-isolate, either as a precaution or because they are confirmed to have Coronavirus (COVID-19), should follow this advice to dispose of their household waste to ensure the virus is not spread via personal waste:
* Individuals should place all personal waste such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths, securely in a plastic bag or bin liner
* This plastic bag should then be placed in another plastic bag and securely tied
* These bags must be stored separately to other waste for at least 72 hours before being placed in your grey bin.

Household Waste and Recycling Centres

Following the restrictions announced by the UK and Scottish Governments on 23 March, all Stirling Council Household Waste and Recycling Centres (tips) are now closed until further notice.

Polmaise Depot Weighbridge Service

The weighbridge at Polmaise Depot Waste Transfer Station will be closed to commercial customers until further notice. Commercial customers involved in critical supply chain delivery (as outlined by Government announcements) requiring disposal services during this period, should contact the Council’s Customer Service Centre on 01786 404040.

Special Uplift Service

The Special Uplift service has ceased with immediate effect until further notice.

The Council will continue to monitor waste collections and will provide further updates in due course. It may be that further adjustments to collection arrangements will be required in the coming weeks.

Convener of the Environment and Housing Committee, Cllr Jim Thomson said: “The UK and Scottish Governments’ latest restrictions, combined with the significant resource challenges we were already facing during this unprecedented situation, left us with no option other than to temporarily reduce our waste services. “We recognise these enforced changes will cause disruption to residents and businesses across Stirling and we would appreciate their patience during this national emergency.”  Vice Convener of the Committee, Cllr Danny Gibson said: “We understand that closing our waste and recycling centres will cause inconvenience to the public but this is a necessary decision following strict national guidance. “Our kerbside service will continue to operate, with a focus on priority collections, and we would ask people for their understanding and support in these challenging times.”

To confirm what to put in your bins, check our website here:

For the full list of Council service disruptions due to the current national emergency, please visit:



newer Kippendvie


Download a pdf of the walks


Please note that this is a temporary map, as there are several more paths yet to be improved/constructed by the Kippendavie Trust during this and, probably now,  next year which, when finished, will be accompanied by a number of interpretation panels displayed at strategic points throughout the path network.


As we would sadly expect in the present situation, there are a number of  closures coming through. We will update the WhatsOn Diary but please refer to this page for an overview of what's closed or cancelled and what is open or proceeding. Please see Discover Dunblane - Delivering page for latest info


In terms of Whatson Diary events, the majority of these are now cancelled.  We will attempt to keep the diary up to date but please assume most things are cancelled and/or check with the organiser.


A great example of a community coming together !

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Practice Update

Coronavirus has been confirmed within the Practice area. We also have several staff self-isolating. In order to protect the health of both patients and healthcare workers, we would request that you only visit the health centre if absolutely necessary.

From 27 March, we will not be offering face-to-face routine GP and nurse appointments. If you already have a booked appointment, we would request that you contact us to change this to a telephone appointment. If the clinician feels it is essential to see you, you will be offered a time to come to the Practice.

Patients will continue to be triaged for urgent same-day matters. Where possible, they will be dealt with via phone.  Those requiring to be seen will be invited to attend.

There are currently no changes to appointments for blood tests and other procedures.

We are happy to receive requests for prescriptions via our Practice email:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the most up-to-date information regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19), please visit:

We thank our patients for their co-operation at this time.

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