
The Community Council has had a request from a regular attender to join the monthly meeting, which has recently been held on Zoom and limited to Community Council members and Elected members (the police and Stirling Council staff are not  permitted to attend zoom meetings).  

It may be that we are able to open more to interested members of the public.  I say more interested as having 100 people signed into zoom will be a nightmare. If you are interested you will need to tell us that you wish to join and provide an email address so you can get an invitation to the zoom meeting. 

It is probably best to tell us if you have a burning issue that you want to have discussed.  I am wary of putting a limit on numbers – so we will see how it goes to start with.

So looking for something different to do on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm then drop me a line to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


NEW Police launch wildlife crime probe at bus tycoon's estate following blaze Stirling Observer Article from 27 July 2020

Read Stirling Observer Article from 25 June 2020

Article  below updated on 20 June 2020 - updates in Green

Some local residents on the Glassingall Estate sent a letter to Glassingall Estates Ltd in response to the demolition and burning of Glassingall House on the 11th and 12th of June. The full letter can be viewed here. A letter has also been sent to the Health & Safety Executive SEPA and the Council. SEPA has apparently responded and is now taking witness statements.

glass sign

Glassingall Estates Limited is one of the companies in the Gloag portfolio. Dame Ann Gloag bought the estate over a year ago and a Pre Application Notification of Planning was submitted last year. This outlined a development of 135 chalets and an outdoor centre.

The local residents say that ‘the remains of Glassingall House appear to have materials looking awfully like asbestos lying around in the open in a fragile condition. Do not attempt to enter the area and please keep your children away. Asbestos is extremely hazardous and kills. People have been seen wandering around with their children within the fenced off area. This is a very bad idea. Please keep away’.

Here is a statement from Stirling Council

A Stirling Council spokesperson said: “We are aware of the demolition works at Glassinghall estate and can confirm investigations are underway.

“Demolition works of this nature are subject to statutory processes and require permission from the planning authority, in this case, Stirling Council. We can confirm no building warrant for demolition was requested from, or issued by, Stirling Council in relation to this work and we have taken immediate measures to ensure the site is safe.

“We are in discussions with the landowner regarding the submission of a building warrant to regulate the works already undertaken, and to cover the completion of the remaining unauthorised work.”

Here is a Tweet from Mark Ruskell MSP

Appointments with your GP practice can now be arranged by video link from your smartphone or computer

Read the attached DRAFT leaflet from NHS Scotland

The Carman Family Foundation - the relatively new owner of Holmehill - is seeking to buy the Hielieman's from the Council. This is the land the land to the North of Holmehill, stretching from Ramoyle to the new houses in Bogside.

The letter and plan below have been delivered to households living close to the site.

In addition to sending your views to the Council and the Carman family, you might also want to email the community council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hieliemans Letter

Hieliemans Plan



On Tuesday 30th June at the ‘virtual’ full council meeting the proposed changes to household waste services were approved by 12 votes to 10. See the council statement here.

The main changes are:
To collect blue and grey bins every four weeks.
Glass collection to cease and glass put in the blue bins.
Food waste to continue to be collected every two weeks in the brown bins.
A proposed charge of c£35 for garden waste collection (in the brown bins).

The changes were proposed due to leases on the current vehicles ending in late summer/autumn 2021 and with the Scottish Government’s introduction of a drinks deposit return scheme in summer 2022.

You can access the waste report here.

If you have concerns, you can contact your councillor here

This community led project is conserving the popular old Glen Road path between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan through the attractive Kippenrait Glen SSSI, for leisure and functional active travel for locals & visitors.

The main aims of the survey were to report on use of the Glen Road path to funders of the 2019 works, and to collect more qualitative information for the future. This has coincidentally provided a useful snapshot of usage under Covid-19 lockdown.

You can access the survey results and read more here.

The Council is conducting a resident’s survey to gauge the level of support for actions that individuals, the Council and our partners could take. This includes finding out what barriers prevent people from making changes that would benefit everyone.

The survey invites residents to provide their views on the Climate & Ecological Emergency. Your feedback is invaluable and we will be using the findings to guide our engagement and delivery programme.

You can access the survey and read more here.

PETAL are a charity who have worked with people affected by homicide and suicide all over Scotland for over 25 years. During the coronavirus pandemic they have been awarded additional funding to extend the service to families bereaved by COVID19.

You can read more here.

June 2020 update

Since the last update, the Braeport Board has had discussions with Water Gems the garden designers and the applicant the Carman Family Foundation. It was agreed that:
The wall behind our new 'Sensory' Garden would be retained as it is.
The remaining wall will be reduced and railings added to a height that prevents entry by deer. One self locking gate would be installed to allow pedestrian entry.
This provides protection for the garden from deer as well as children and vulnerable Centre users.

However, since these discussions, the Carman Family Foundation and the Holmehill garden designers Water Gems have decided to withdraw the current planning application for the water garden and the Listed Building Consent for the wall at the Braeport Centre. The applicants have listened to community concern about the lack of clarity and detail on what is intended and the requests for additional and clearer information which have been made. The applicants will take this into consideration and will resubmit their application soon once this information is in place.

Below you will find links to the original proposed plans from the Carman Foundation for a water garden on the meadow behind the Braeport Centre. This will require planning consent.

Any questions regarding this plan should be addressed directly to Bill Carman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

It would also be helpful, however, to get a sense of how people feel about this project - if you could email a brief for or against response back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. it would be much appreciated

Friends of Holmehill


Here is the Project Brief

Here is the Plan


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