Mid summer hop at Holmehill

Midsummer saw double billing on Holme Hill with a family crowd enjoying super weather, brilliant atmosphere and a truly unique outdoor venue.

First to go in late afternoon was "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed by Rubber Chicken Theatre.  This was really well received with the young actors performing in the woods.  Later in the evening, Ceilidh Minogue struck up and couples and families alike were swirling round the dance floor.  The stone chip dance floor was laid over the tennis court that belonged to the old house, but there are ambitious plans to build a more permanent venue for the future.  A quick thinking organiser realised that the surface wouldn't be ideal for the ceilidh band so ripped a carpet out of a "No Plastics" shop being refurbished in the High Street and upcycled it as a stage.  All in all, a lovely evening was had and the event showcased a venue for Dunblane that will surely host some amazing nights in the future.  Thanks go to the Carman Family Foundation and community volunteers who helped make it such a success.


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