Boys’ Brigade Hosts Afternoon Tea for Older People


The 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys' Brigade provided an afternoon of tea, cake and entertainment for older people who live alone locally.

A group of 10 guests and six volunteers from local Contact the Elderly enjoyed an afternoon at the Cathedral Halls in Dunblane.

It is hoped this will now become an annual event.

Lorna Dunbar, Support Officer at Contact the Elderly, said:

"The boys provided a fantastic afternoon for our guests and volunteers.
The food and entertainment were great but best thing was the welcoming atmosphere we received.

"Bringing the generations together in this way is lovely to see and we look forward to enjoying an afternoon with the group again soon."

Contact the Elderly organises free monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for older people who live alone. These ordinarily take place in a volunteer host's home with guests being collected and accompanied by a volunteer driver.

The charity is currently working to launch a new group in Stirling. To become a guest or volunteer with Contact the Elderly, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01236 898613. Contact the Elderly can email or post a leaflet if someone would like to share it with an older person who would benefit.


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