Discussion in Dunblane about Poverty

A rapidly growing number of people are living in poverty. Scotland has more than 40 food banks, with one person in 100 having used them already. How concerned should we be about this? What can we do in the light of it?

A meeting to consider these and related issues will be taking place in Dunblane on Tuesday 14th January.

Among other things, those involved will be reflecting on exactly what were the ‘messages received’ during discussions which took place over three sessions in Dunblane in Autumn 2013. These involved listening to individuals experiencing poverty day by day, hearing about how Citizens Advice Bureaux are responding to the challenge, and learning about Oxfam’s perspective (taking account of its work in Scotland and other parts of the world).  Possible responses will be considered.

The meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th January at the Cathedral Halls, Dunblane. All with a concern about poverty are invited.

See Poster

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