Update on the new footbridge at the railway station

The full planning application for the new footbridge at the railway station is likely to be lodged within the next few weeks.

Members of the community council, the development trust and the Victoria Hall management committee recently met with Network Rail, and details of the latest designs were provided...

  • The lift shafts will be moved south and will stand further away from the station building.
  • All stairways will be on the north side of the shafts and will not have any turns in them, but will have landings halfway up.
  • There will be glass canopies over the entrances to the lifts.
  • The lift doors will have glass panels which will allow people to see into the lifts before entering and see out before exiting.
  • Lights, possibly LED, will be integrated into the structure e.g. in handrails, etc.
  • The old Victorian footbridge will be removed once the new bridge and lifts are operational. The bridge may be go to a rail preservation group in Brechin. Listed Building consent will be required for removal of the Victorian Bridge.
  • The finish of the bridge will be a light-coloured stone similar to the stone used on the Christian Fellowship Church beside the Victoria Hall. It will also reflect to some extent the finish on Tesco, thus tying in the two sides of the railway.
  • Cycle lockers may be removed but there should be sufficient cycle storage beside platform 1, and on the Tesco side.
  • There will not be a cycle channel because the lifts are large enough to accommodate bicycles and passengers.
  • There will be a safe walkway created to and from the lift shaft / stairway on the Tesco side.

StationThere will be a public exhibition showing the proposals once the application has been submitted. The provisional date is 3 July, and it will be held in the Lesser Victoria Hall.

Representatives from Network Rail will be present to discuss the plans. As this is being held after the planning application has been lodged, it is not a pre-planning consultation. If anyone objects to the plans, they should submit their objections in the normal manner, i.e. with Stirling Council’s Planning department.

The exhibition will include details of the work schedule, road closures and key milestones. Watch this space for further details of the event!

Some additional information on the work process:

  • The work is scheduled to begin in September 2013 and (weather permitting) should be completed by March 2014. 
  • The existing blue bridge will be removed first.
  • Most of the construction work will take place in the council-owned car park on the Tesco side. Network Rail has been in talks with the council about renting some space in the car park. This should minimise disruption on the Victoria Hall side.
  • Although steps will be taken to try to minimise noise, much of the work is likely to take place at night (it's a main line railway!).  
  • During construction, pedestrian access from the town centre to and from the west side of Dunblane will be via the footbridge at Bridgend. It will be important to ensure that this route is kept clear and gritted during the winter months.
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