Area Forums to be Re-established ?

"My name is Fern Milne and I work with Stirling Councils Community Development team with a remit of Area Forum Development. Previously, Area Forums in Stirling were established to allow any Citizen, Community Council, Partner/Agency, Heads of Service, Elected Members to come together to explore 'Themes' or 'Topics' and ensure that information was shared and that decisions were influenced more effectively. Due to a number of different factors the 7 Area Forums are no longer running.

We would like to work with Stirling's Citizens to explore 'The re-establishment of Area Forums', where we would co-design a model that would best fit the communities it represents. To start with, we would like to invite you along to a virtual meeting to share a little more information about the project and how you can get involved.   Below are two dates, if neither of these are suitable please feel free to email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a time that suits.

Tuesday 31st January 7-8pm Click here to join the meeting

Wednesday 1st February 7-8pm Click here to join the meeting

Kindest regards

Fern Milne"



Stephen Bly, Community Council Enquiry Co-ordinator 

Community Development Team|Stirling Council|Old ViewforthStirlingFK8 2ET

T: 01786 233948 | M: 07792 362690E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. W: 

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