Electric vehicle charging bays for Dunblane

DUNBLANE has plugged into Scotland’s longest electric vehicle ready rout with the installation of charging bays.

Text from Stirling News

Stirling Council installed the four rapid and another four slower charging bays at Springfield Terrace as part of an eco-friendly drive.

These chargers will now form a part of the wider Electric A9 project, which seeks to help drivers in rural and urban areas access the benefits of driving electric vehicles (EVs).

Plans are for the route to stretch from Falkirk Stadium in the south all the way to Scrabster Harbour in the north, some 270 miles.

Councillor Jim Thomson, convener of the Environment and Housing Committee at Stirling Council, said: “Electric vehicles are the future and we will deliver a range of initiatives over the next couple of years that will demonstrate to Stirling residents, commuters and visitors our commitment to preparing for the inevitable move to a green energy transport system.

“Dunblane becoming part of the Electric A9 project further strengthens the national network of chargepoints that are vital in supporting the growing number of EV drivers in Stirling and across Scotland.”

Tom Casey, director of Discover Dunblane, added: “The installation of the EV chargers is another significant step for Dunblane in improving accessibility to the town centre area in a way that is supportive of environmental sustainability.

“We would also like to thank Stirling Council for their support in securing funding and overseeing installation.”



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