Step in with Susan - Nia Classes

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What is Nia ?  It is a 40 year old worldwide form of movement for fitness and health - adaptable for all kinds of personal goals, age and fitness levels.  Each Nia Teacher brings their own essence to the form inspired and informed by a worldwide and Scottish community of teachers and trainers.

Why have you never heard of Nia ? - it is not pushed as the next and only thing but rather has grown low-profile through, well really just people loving it.  Investment is instead in constant improvement and teacher training.

What is Special about it ?  - too much to tell you here - but 3 things are:-

* it's more than a fitness class - there is a community and dip in delights to follow outside the class to allow you to enrich & enhance your health and wellbeing in various ways

* the glorious music

* the delightful yet effective way we move - ideally barefoot but shoes are an optio


Additional Info

  • Information:


    Classes are held on:-

    Tuesday Evenings : 7.00pm to 8.00pm in the Braeport Centre

    Thursday Afternoons : 11am Zoom

  • Phone: 07881 652814
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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