Allan Water Bridge : New Concrete Beams

Allan Water Bridge Works December Allan Water Bridge Works December

On the morning of Thursday 21st Jan, two new concrete beams for the downstream deck will be installed.

These have been manufactured off-site and, at 35 tonnes each, will need to be lifted using two cranes in tandem. Once the beams are in place, the new concrete deck can be built on top and the services transferred from the upstream side, which then frees up the upstream deck for demolition. Access to Mill Row & Bridgend will be maintained throughout.

Bridge renovation is on target for completion by May 2016. 

For further information click on the following links:

             December Progress Upate

             November newsletter

             Traffic flow and parking change details here

             The Allan Water bridge's 600 year history

             Press Release from 8 September 2015

             Public Consultation from December 2014  

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