'Act Like We Own the Place' : Women's Democracy Day in Dunblane - 23rd April

In conjunction with the Electoral Reform Society, Dunblane Community Council is looking to engage with as many woman as possible for this event. It's a chance to hear how some community projects have taken off and to brainstorm ideas for our own local community. Find out more

Sunday 23 April 2017 from 11:00 to 15:30 in the Braeport Centre, Dunblane FK15 0AT

It will be a safe space where everyone's view is important and should be a fun day. There will be teas and coffee available, please bring your lunch or be ready to make a short walk to the town for lunch. We might be lucky to have some home baking though! The event is free to attend but we would welcome donations if you can afford anything to contribute towards the hire of the hall that would be very much appreciated.

Please spread the word and we look forward to seeing you on the day.



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