MAD Group at Dunblane High School

Within Dunblane High School there is a group of s6 pupils, lead by Pamela Kurilla a Religious and moral education teacher, called the MAD (Make a Difference) group who raise money in various ways for charities such as Macmillan cancer.

As group members, we do things such as coming up with new ideas for fundraising, contacting companies about donations, organising fundraisers and much more.

On Friday the 30th the Macmillan coffee morning is held in order to raise money for cancer patients. In Dunblane High School a coffee morning, a bake sale and raffle will be held to help in aid for this worthy charity.

With 2.5million people in the UK alone living with cancer at the moment meaning it is more than likely to affect most people sometime throughout their lives, making this a very worthy and relevant cause. Macmillan try to make sure no one faces cancer alone providing options for medical, emotional and financial aid as well as campaigning for better cancer care. This is a great charity who’ve have changed the lives of those with cancer and the family and friends surrounding them.

More about Macmillan

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