Club of the Month - Aug 2016 - Dunblane Explorer Scout Unit


Club of the Month – August 2016 - Dunblane Explorer Scout Unit

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Dunblane Milvus Explorer Unit is a fantastic group of young people between ages of 14 and 18, who are interested in adventure, meeting new people and travelling away to camps close and afar.  Recent camp locations include Fordell Firs and Kashel, and these are just private camps.  Some of the Unit also go to national camps like the Blair Athol Jamboree. These are a fantastic way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and do many activities that you never would do before. The best thing about the Milvus unit is that it predominantly relies upon the explorers themselves and not the leaders.  Since it is such a tight but approachable group, you will get to know everyone sooner or later after joining; the unit has seen a high influx of newcomers lately , we were in mid teens before Christmas, but now the unit member numbers are in the mid-twenties. The main and most popular as well as recognized event in the unit is the infamous film night, which happens twice a year, once before Christmas and once at the end of term, the films are a surprise but always a pleasant one, and plenty of food is involved as well. The unit meets every Friday night during the school term  at 7:45PM, (but don’t worry, its far from a sacrifice), at the Dunblane Scout Hall next to the fourways roundabout.  The leaders are David and Nick Morris and can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , so come along and have some fun with a fun lot of people!

By Diarmid Thomson (Explorer)

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