2014 Windfarm Grants Awarded

Each year through the Braes of Doune Community Benefit, grant funding of around £14,500 is given by the joint owners of the Windfarm , Greencoat UK Wind PLC and Hermes Infrastructure, to local community groups in the Dunblane area.

Nominees from  Dunblane Community Council and Dunblane Development Trust  join together  to form the Dunblane Windfarm Committee and this committee receives applications from groups active in our local communities and makes recommendations on how best to distribute the funds available.

This year, 13 groups were helped over a broad range of activities including the Dunblane Fling, Dunblane Soccer Club , Dunblane Preschool Play Association, Dunblane in Bloom, Dunblane Rangers and Rainbows and Victoria Hall. It is hoped that more groups local to the Dunblane area will continue to apply for financial help. Applications are taken late Summer each year, and full details of how to apply are available at Dunblane Development Trust


The photo shows members of the Committee, successful recipients with Jimmy Hansson and Emma Lewis representing the Windfarm owners.

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