Can you help Knit a Tepee?


The Knitted Tepee is a community project to be completed for the Dunblane Centre’s 10th anniversary in September. It will be made up of 8 inch squares which have been either knitted or crocheted.

‘We want as many people as possible to contribute with knitting or crocheting or joining the squares together’ said ‘Tepee Coordinator’ Jo Bicheno. ‘We will need about 1,000 squares, of which we have 200 at the moment. We will be knitting until the end of June then we will start joining the squares together’.

A group of around 20 people meets on a Thursday evening between 7.30 and 9.30 in the Dunblane Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along and knit - it’s great fun. The group is growing bigger every week.  People are also donating squares that they have knitted at home. Donations of wool and needles would be very welcome (to the Dunblane Centre, please).

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