Dunblane's own Sunday newspaper launched

Dunblane is set to become the first town in Scotland to have its very own Sunday newspaper. From this weekend, the Dunblane on Sunday will go on sale for the modest price of £1.40. Described as a cross between the Allanwater Herald and the Sunday Telegraph, the Dunblane on Sunday promises a lively mix of local news, politics, sport and entertainment.

Editor Ralf Pirst, a former subeditor at the Scotsman and himself a long-time resident of Dunblane, said, “It’s been clear for some time that Dunblane needs its own Sunday title. The other Sunday papers, frankly, make me weep with their endless articles on Holyrood, celebrities and gardening. It’s all hot air. We promise to deliver a paper that genuinely caters for people in and around the cathedral city.”

With a team of eight full-time journalists and some engaging columnists from the local area, the Dunblane on Sunday hopes to stir interest in local matters and – where necessary – stoke up a bit of controversy. “We won’t shy away from the big issues and we’re not afraid of speaking our minds,” said Pirst. “For instance, in our first issue, we’ve got the shocking truth about the collapsed path along the river and a hard-hitting editorial piece by a well-known local figure on why Dunblane needs a drive-through McDonalds. You may disagree with that particular view, but it’s a must-read article.”

The Dunblane on Sunday’s colour magazine will include a seven-day TV guide, plus sections on books, travel and fashion. Again, Pirst insists the magazine will be an antidote to the traditional Sunday supplement. “Ours won’t be full of scone recipes, articles about growing leeks, and adverts for wellies and porcelain figurines,” he promises. “Instead, we’re going to have a page of jokes sent in by local school kids. It’ll be great.”

Issue one of the Dunblane on Sunday will be available this Sunday from local newsagents. And the supermarkets.

NB this was an  April Fool!

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