Cycle lanes at Fourways Roundabout? : A Consultation

letter has been received from the Council about making the Fourways roundabout more cyclist friendly.


Also attached is:-


  • a map for pavement works proposed for the Fourways Roundabout
  • map of the NCN765 route from Bridge of Allan to Doune which will be signed.


This consultation doesn't include the Glen Road surfacing. The amount of which will be determined by the cost of the Fourways works.


The other work to be aware of is the bollards at the Faery Bridge to encourage slower speeds by people approaching from Auchinlay Court. This will be arranged similar to what is shown on the Cycle bollards attachment but will be single recycled plastic bollards rather than double as shown. Signs will also be installed to encourage responsible usage.


Richard Barron

Senior Access Officer, Access and Transportation Team 01786 233456

Environment Services, Stirling Council, Teith House, Kerse Road. Stirling, FK7 7QA



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