A9 Truck Stop + Fuel Station : March 2021 Update

Local people in Glassingall have provided the attached update to their campaign against the proposed Truck Stop + Fuel Station

Read their flyer


Text drafted in December 2020 by Pete Bicheno, Glassingall Resident

Stirling Council's planning committee meeting on the 4th August 2020 approved this controversial plan. After discussing the application and spending much time on the dangers of this stretch of road the four Conservative councillors suddenly did an about turn and approved the planning application.

The meeting was recorded and made available for anyone to watch but has since been removed from the Council's website. Councillor Majury does have the video on his website.

A petition has been lodged in the Court of Session challenging this decision. Interestingly the planning officer recommended turning down the proposal on seven grounds. Most of the documents about this application have been removed from the council website but the planning officer's report (panel report) with a recommendation to reject is available here.

Perth councillors and local residents on both sides of the border are concerned. See the Courier 12 October 2020


This News Item was posted in 2019

Planning Application being considered now by Stirling Council

Major development on A9 Northbound at Firs of Kinbuck on land some 500m South West of Balhaldie Farm, Dunblane

Proposed roadside services comprising Petrol Filling Station (sui generis), Truck Stop, Restaurants and Drive-thru (Class 3/sui generis), Amenity Building (Class 1 & 3 and ancillary uses), Hotel (Class 7), landscaping, access and ancillary works. View Planning Application 19/00243/PPP

Tell the Council what you think asap


This News Item was posted in 2018

The Proposal of Application Notice is for Land at Firs of Kinbuck, A9, 500m South-west of Balhaldie Farm, Dunblane.

The Notice is for the Erection of a Roadside Services Area comprising Petrol Filling Station, a Truck Stop, a Restaurant and Drive-thru’s an Amenity Building and a Hotel and Leisure (whatever all that means!)

You can read the Proposal of Application Notice and look at the location plan

If you want to know more, come along to a Public Exhibition in the Victoria Hall, Dunblane on Tuesday 2nd October 2018 from 3pm to 8pm


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