Glassingall House demolition : Police probe

NEW Police launch wildlife crime probe at bus tycoon's estate following blaze Stirling Observer Article from 27 July 2020

Read Stirling Observer Article from 25 June 2020

Article  below updated on 20 June 2020 - updates in Green

Some local residents on the Glassingall Estate sent a letter to Glassingall Estates Ltd in response to the demolition and burning of Glassingall House on the 11th and 12th of June. The full letter can be viewed here. A letter has also been sent to the Health & Safety Executive SEPA and the Council. SEPA has apparently responded and is now taking witness statements.

glass sign

Glassingall Estates Limited is one of the companies in the Gloag portfolio. Dame Ann Gloag bought the estate over a year ago and a Pre Application Notification of Planning was submitted last year. This outlined a development of 135 chalets and an outdoor centre.

The local residents say that ‘the remains of Glassingall House appear to have materials looking awfully like asbestos lying around in the open in a fragile condition. Do not attempt to enter the area and please keep your children away. Asbestos is extremely hazardous and kills. People have been seen wandering around with their children within the fenced off area. This is a very bad idea. Please keep away’.

Here is a statement from Stirling Council

A Stirling Council spokesperson said: “We are aware of the demolition works at Glassinghall estate and can confirm investigations are underway.

“Demolition works of this nature are subject to statutory processes and require permission from the planning authority, in this case, Stirling Council. We can confirm no building warrant for demolition was requested from, or issued by, Stirling Council in relation to this work and we have taken immediate measures to ensure the site is safe.

“We are in discussions with the landowner regarding the submission of a building warrant to regulate the works already undertaken, and to cover the completion of the remaining unauthorised work.”

Here is a Tweet from Mark Ruskell MSP

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