Glen Road Works Update - survey now closed

In these challenging times it is good that people can get out and enjoy the old Glen Road. The birds are singing and nesting, red squirrels chasing each other up trees and the spring flowers are emerging. 

This community-led project is conserving the old Glen Road between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan. The funds raised in 2019 for urgent stabilisation repairs topped £38,000 from grants and public donations.  Grants from Sustrans, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust, Stirling Council, Scotways, Paths for All, Bridge of Allan and Stirling Round Table, Bridge of Allan Community Council.  Public donations via Kindlink met the target of £5000 plus gift aid.  Works advice and co-ordination from volunteer Ian MacLachlan, IKM Consulting.  Work continues on some drainage this spring, and additional grants are being sought for a new slip meantime.

Some of our funders have asked for user information – hence the survey below. Survey closed 30th April 2020.

Many thanks for your help! 

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