Braeport Memory Café wins award

Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise’s Inspire Volunteering Awards. 2019 showcase the local volunteer teams who dedicate their time to help others in their community.

Over 120 people gathered at Hotel Colessio to celebrate Stirling’s volunteers in a ceremony hosted by SVE in partnership with Stirling Council and sponsored by Solicitors for Older People and The Barracks Conference Centre amongst others.

The evenings most prestigious award was the Inspire Volunteering Award 2019
The award was presented to Dunblane’s Braeport Memory Café

The weekly café offers invaluable support to people with dementia and their carers, providing activities and an opportunity to relax and socialise. School children from the local primary school regularly pop along to help participants use iPads and often stay for a sing along.

Volunteer Breda Seaman said: “I am completely overwhelmed, but I would like to say that small acts of kindness make a huge difference to the most vulnerable members of society.  Just getting a group of willing volunteers together to have fun at a memory café enriches all our lives.”



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