Stirling Observer finally picks up Story of Pink Benches

Stirling Observer Picks up the Pink Benches Story !

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From Facebook : Dear Stirling Council, please bring back our benches!

#bringbackourbenches #pinkbenches

Nora GilfillantoDunblane Development Trust  I thought the pink benches were lovely - sad they have gone

Hamilton Rach Why did the go ??

Beth Boyd Hopefully to be repainted!!!!

Ann Robertson The volunteers spent a lot of time painting them. Maybe not to everyones taste but certainly colourful??

Alan Smeaton Why/who removed them? Does anyone have contact details?

Jane Stewart Disgraceful that after all that work the council come in & whip them away without a word & the cost? Council must have money to burn!!!!

Karen Patrick They looked great ..

Louise Owen #bringbackourbenches #pinkbenches

Nora Gilfillan I thought they were beautiful and fun - a change from black or dark green. It is the first time in my life that I ever stopped and took photos of park benches. (I’m glad I did) It was a lovely sunny day and they made me smile. With all the beautiful pink and purple flowers around they looked great .... in my opinion..... but then I love colour ??????????

Ros Walker Noooooooooo!

Helen Dixon Beautiful

Victoria Hall Dunblane people walking through this area will want to sit down and soak up the lovely atmosphere all year, not just in the summer. so hope Stirling Council bring them back soon

Margaret Lawrie Why have benches been removed and who removed them ?? Where they removed because someone didnt like colour - surely not - made you smile!

Arlene Lindsay Just like they need to bring back all the toilets too. A disgrace they havent got any now


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